slight bruising or start of a contamination??


Well-Known Member
it doesn't look like a contamination to me from what i can see, but its really to small to be sure, normally it wont contam on area's already colonized, set it aside in a another day or to it should be completely obvious


Active Member
thers no other blue spots on the parts where there is no colinization. so hopfully its all good, ill try to take a better pic tomarro or sumthin


Well-Known Member
You usually do not get bruising in a jar, in fact I have never seen it, especially while still colonizing. Need to post a good pic, experiment with backgrounds and different settings.


Well-Known Member
I've seen blueing in a jar, but you can normaly tell contams, shit will have a diffirent texture around the area, also any cider like smells from the jar is a bad sign.


Well-Known Member
honestly you cant't tell from that picture, can;t you buy a lucky packet for a better camera?


Active Member
its my phone, well ima just prey that its bruising cause theres no other colors and theres no colors on the brf its only very slighty on the parts that are colonizing, ive seen some nasty contam colors before, ive just never seen bruising, so i just wanted to make sure


Active Member
im just gonna let it keep goin... i geuss ive been handling the jars alot. but have been very sterile through the whole process, i wish i could take a better pic, but ill keep yall uptated, and would the strain make any difference in brusing, its penis envy


Active Member
in this case is a light blue an acceptable color if thats the only color, it seems to be on a spot where its been colinized the longest actually.


Well-Known Member
if its blue its probably safe.
if its grey its contam.
it will probably grow more if its a contam, spreading.
it also will not be completely flush with the mycelium, because its not mycelium, it will grow over and around taking on a different texture often.
if it smells bad its is bad.
if the mycelium stalls completly it was also likely a contam although it wont always do this.
umm so far no one can tell you so i would just remove it from the area with your other jars. and continue waiting till you can be sure. maybe look for other pictures of bruising in jars and compare


Active Member
"it also will not be completely flush with the mycelium, because its not mycelium, it will grow over and around taking on a different texture often."

so if it has the veiny like strands within the color woulod you say thats a good thing


Well-Known Member
It's most likely a contam normally bruising doesn't occur inside the jar whole its being colonized set it aside from the others and let it continue but don't let it contaminate the others, if the pic was better I could give you a better answer.