Slik&Friends-Growin-Some-Veggies Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
potatoes are pretty easy. i took a few that were in the fridge to long and had eyes. and i put them in the ground and just watered and they grew like crazy.


New Member
You're supposed to leave at least 2 to 3 eyes in each piece when you cut up seed potatoes.

Florida, you'll get better results with seed potatoes. Food potatoes are treated with a growth inhibitor to keep them from growing. You may end up with a lot of potato vine and no potatoes.

I bought some Green Ice and Ruby leaf lettuce seeds. I'm growing those in pots. I'm thinking of putting a pepper plant in there to for added color.

Has anyone seen those giant teacup planters at walmart yet? They're cute as hell, one of those would look too cute with peppers and lettuce and other kitchen whats not planted in it.


Well-Known Member
well thanx for the info misshestermoffitt. i didnt know that about the growth inhibitor. but mine did grow potatoes, i think i got them from organic potatoes so maybe thats why they grew.

i got a question.. can you stick a strawberry from the grocery store in the ground and grow it like that?


Well-Known Member
a friend of mine another RIU member (bikeskill) just started some sugar baby watermelon, red/yellow corn, cilantro, basil, chives, and some lettuce. ill get some pics of his stuff next time i go to his house.

also his nieghbor has tons of banana and pineapple plants in his yard. the other day he gave bikeskill a big bunch of bananas that fell off a bit early.

there are soo many different mango trees throwing out mangos all over in miami right now, im gonna try to get a few pics of some to show you guys.


New Member
If your potatoes were organic, then they most likely weren't sprayed with anything.

I don't know about growing a strawberry like that, I would think it would work, that's how strawberries evolved. I've been kind of wondering the same thing about growing a banana. Aren't there little black seed like things in a banana?


Well-Known Member
yea i know what your talking about with the bananas. but ive never seen actual banana seeds although i know there are some species of banana that are unedible because they have big seeds. i bought banana plants that were already grown and all of my plants produce offshoots that can be cut away from the main stem and planted.


Well-Known Member
scraped up some dirt today, enough to fill a planter. i put lettuce leaf basil, parsley, chives, and cilantro. ill get some pics when everything sprouts.


New Member
I put one of my lettuce and some of my carrots outside to see how they'd do this early. I've covered them with a tarp on the nights it got really cold out.

The carrots seem to be holding up pretty well, the lettuce looks pretty much like ass. Why is it called Iceberg lettuce if a little but of chilly weather makes it look so bad.


Well-Known Member
I put one of my lettuce and some of my carrots outside to see how they'd do this early. I've covered them with a tarp on the nights it got really cold out.

The carrots seem to be holding up pretty well, the lettuce looks pretty much like ass. Why is it called Iceberg lettuce if a little but of chilly weather makes it look so bad.
im going to build a small greenhouse out of 2"x2"'s and plastic to put everything under. im completely out of room inside, i even have some things germinating that are gonna be homeless if i dont make some room. i also have no room to veg my next batch of clones which will be ready to come out of the machine in a week.


New Member
I have 4 more kinds of seeds that I can't germ because I'm out of space.

My Soapwort and red yarrow came yesterday. I really want to get that soapwort growing, I'm going to make shampoo out of it. I've got 2 kinds of leaf lettuce too that I want to start.

This below 32 at night is really taxing my gig, hard-core.........


Well-Known Member
duly noted, gig-taxed.

my big head of iceberg is magnificent. i started some arugula two days ago.

about 1/3 of my chilli beans are sprouting so far.:bigjoint:


New Member
The one lettuce that I kept inside is looking pretty good.

My basil is doing well. The onions are coming along.

OH I have Yukon Gold potatoes that I want to get started outside too.


Well-Known Member
lets see some pics are things going?

i just transplanted my persian mulberry to a BIG pot it think its like 25gallon. my pineapple is getting there, slowly. still no bananas but my friend's nieghbor has a bunch so we got some from him.. they are real sweet and small like half the size of regular ones. there are mangos EVERYWHERE.. huge trees in almost everyones yards and all different kinds. there are chokanan mangos growing in my nieghbor's yard, they are some of the best tasting. also ive seen a golden queen mango tree that im definetly taking one from and gonna try to grow, this variety produces 1kilo mangos.

i recently went to a really nice plant nursery with my friend and he bought a passion fruit and miracle berry. i cant wait to get clones from them and i finally get to try the miracle berry! im gonna get some pics up.


New Member
I moved all my shit outside. It's going to be 40 or above for the next 10 days at night, I was out of space so I made the big move.

My basil got wiped out, it's pretty delicate and it got some sunburn so fuck it, I germed some more and they're out there. It's an easy grow, no big deal .

Most of my stuff is too small to really take pics of, when it gets bigger I'll take some, the great outdoors makes everything look so tiny.

I got my potatoes planted yesterday, they're out there all covered in straw.

I also planted some more carrot and onion seeds yesterday. I think I'm going to buy some onion sets and plant some of those too.


Well-Known Member
wow, i cant believe how slow this shit grows
i got a few tomato/cilantro/basil/pepper plants that are working on a set of true leaves:sleep:


wow, i cant believe how slow this shit grows
i got a few tomato/cilantro/basil/pepper plants that are working on a set of true leaves:sleep:

dont know much about cilantro and basil, but the pepper and tomato will take off shortly... they just start out slow