Slime in Ebb & Flow?

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to post my recent issue and see if anyone could suggest some tips.

I am currently running this E&F system by Titan:

I switched from DWC about a year ago, mainly to reduce my weekly maintenance. Everything was going fine during the first harvest, but it wasn't until this second run when I started to get this red/brown slime that develops in the res. It usually takes about 2-3 days after a fresh res swap for it to build. Starts off cloudy, then gets the slime in random places, usually sticks to the walls or the pump lines and doesn't really float in the water. Luckily I am able to wash it off with just the pressure of the water from a hose, and doesn't require vigorous scrubbing.

I am trying to run a sterile res as I figured that would fend off any bacteria. My choice is Chlorine, initially at 2ppm working my way up to 4ppm where it seems to slow down the slime but it still will grow despite such high levels. I've tried 35% H202 prior to the Chlorine with no luck. I also tried Physan20 at ridiculous levels (killed some plants) and it did not prevent the reoccurrence. I have run the "Heisenburg Tea" in my DWC buckets before and am considering running it now and just give up on the idea of a dead res.

Currently the res consists of:

MaxiGro Powder
DynaGro ProTekt
Sodium Hypochlorite

pH is set at 5.8, usually drifts every two days to 6.0 then it is lowered back to 5.8, res temps never exceed 72 degrees, but even at 68 this was an issue. They are completely light proof as well, isolated outside of the grow space.

Here are some pics of the slime:

This is currently in my flower system with about 3 weeks left until harvest. What bothers me is now the Veg side is getting some of this same slime, somewhat less but still developing nonetheless. The other strange thing I've noticed is the flower res has the slime towards the top of the water line and parts, whereas the veg side has the slime all the way the bottom of the res.

Any suggestions are welcomed!



bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
In the resivoir of my flood and drain system is a raised drain so these sorts of things can't recirculate through the system. The pump in the lower res is also raised and screened. I can see the blob start to form in the bottom of my upper res after about the third day after I cange the res. The plants excrements are heavier than water so I use sediment drops to keep it contained. About every once in a while I'll pump up the sprayer and blast down through the rock to help clean the bed. I only use about 5" deep so it's a litte easier to keep clean. I've found that in F&D it's the size of the table and not so much the depth of the rock that really counts. The tap root will stretch horizontally as well.