slow growth. 14-16 days only 5" tall


Well-Known Member
ok i got a female i'm wanting to use as a mother but its growing sooooo slow.

soil is promix and perilite
ph is 6.8 water and soil
nutes are foxfarm growbig at 1/4 strength every water (once every 3-4 days)
lighting is a hood of 10 26w CFLs and two T8 4' lights. (6 plants under this hood but i'm most worried about this one)

its nice and green and new nodes forming so that its nice and bushy but seems to be growing slowly.



Well-Known Member
it will gain in growth speed as those new nodes fully develop. be patient because soon it will grow too fast! haha


Well-Known Member
thats good to hear. i just don't remember other clones taking this long to get going. forgot to mention that it was a clone ... but a pretty small one so basically a sprout.

one question kind of off topic but how big should a mother plant be before taking clones? like what % of the mother can you take in clones and still have it grow new growth without stunting it too bad?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if your ph is at 6.8 every time i would think maybe possibley locking out the roots slowly. i would get your ph closer to 6.0 and no more then 6.5. check you ph out your drain to see if you are to high. she looks good though. keep it up

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Yeah, all advice around here was correct, your plant looks like an indica, naturally short, but even so, it will start growing faster the more leaves appear...

Also, the pH could go down a bit to a 6.3-6.6 for optimal nute absorbtion.


Well-Known Member
i thought you weren't supposed to flush unless you had nute lock out or over fert.

but yes they have been flushed.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
In the left bottom corner of the pic and on a bottom leaf of the central plant I noticed a K def... it's nothing bad yet but if it spreads you know what to do...

As for flushing... once every 3-4 weeks in soil or once a week hydro will guarantee no fert taste in your buds...


Well-Known Member
After mine were 3 weeks old they looked close to that I transplanted them and their growth really took off.

The first pic is at 3 weeks the second is at about 4 and a half weeks weeks.

