Slow growth, soil not drying?

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
Ok so I have a few plants around 10 days in veg, still very small but some of them have litterally stopped growing and leaves are drooping, they look like they are dying.

I basically think the soil isn't drying, I may have watered them a little too much about 4/5 days ago, my humidity is around 60-70% temps around 25c indoor grow.

How do I solve this problem, I know with past experience that they will eventually come around and start growing again once the soil dries out again but I need to know what way is best to dry this soil quickly so they don't get stunted too much?

Would putting them infront of a heater do any good?

Bayou bud

Active Member
the heat of the heater would more than likely damage the plant and stunt the growth way more than it would be able to properly dry out your soil. Definitely just wait man. God forbid you make an adjustment that further stresses them, you'd be taking one step forward and two back.


Well-Known Member
ummmmm lets start with this before everybody starts commenting. WHAT SOIL ARE YOU USING. please post everything you are using for your grow room. then you will get better answers.

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
ummmmm lets start with this before everybody starts commenting. WHAT SOIL ARE YOU USING. please post everything you are using for your grow room. then you will get better answers.
I'm using peat moss mixed with perlite 50/50.

I'm thinking I should have used more perlite.

I reckon it's because my humidity is too high.

I have watered them very little and they still don't seem to dry out easily.

I have put them outside during the daytime as it's 25c outside hoping that the sun will sort the problem out quicker than indoors.

I will take everyones advice and leave them to sort out/dry on their own accord.

They are still growing as I can see tap roots out the bottom of the pots, just slow growth and slightly droopy leaves. Will post pics.


Well-Known Member
Are you checking water temps before watering? does it drain off the bottom when you water? is the medium too compacted or nice and airy? if you're planing to transplant as they already germinated I assume it'd be to soil, so why haven't you done this already? Have you check for trapped water in the bottom of the pots? Do you have an osculating fan helping to keep the RH down? and lastly could you use your phone camera to take some pics so we can take a better look?

Po boy

Well-Known Member
next time try some potting soil - many local nurseries and garden centers mix their own soil for their use and sell to the public. these soils generally have excellent drainage and dolomite to keep the PH from bouncing. peat soil is heavy and i would imagine low on the acidic scale. good luck