slow release plant food in potting mix?


Well-Known Member
ive heard of how you are not supposed to use miracle grow and slow release nutrients and stuff, but what if planted but seeds in a potting mix that has the following, how sthis mix look

  • A complete potting and planting mix
  • Premium blend of Canadian sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and organic materials enriched with Schultz™ slow-release plant food
  • Feeds for up to nine months and provides ideal growing conditions for indoor and outdoor potting needs
  • Excellent for tropical, foliage, & flowering houseplants, potted vegetables & seedlings.
  • Resealable zipper bag

woudl this be ok or should i get one without the plant food and jsut feed it myself?


Well-Known Member
I believe the main problem with highly nuted soils is that u have no control over how much u plants get, which in turn leads to burnt seedlings. The fact that u say it feeds for 9 months tells me it's got plenty of the juice in it- too much. that said, I'd go with something without nutes for sure. Seedlings reallydon't need shit, meaning vey little, as far as nutes are concerned. Ur plants will show u the signs as they age when they need the nutes. If ur usin time released stuff, and ur plants are gettin nute burn, then what? The more u water, the more u burn. Just my opinion, but i'd go with nuteless, or very low nuted soil mix.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I agree with richjames. You cant control what nutes your plants are getting with time released ferts. You will start by burning your seedlings. Then you will have deficencys. Overnuting causes deficencys and thats one reason MG is not recomended.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Do not buy soil with slow release nutes ever!!!

This will only nute burn your seedling while leaving your mature plant hungry. Get yourself normal potting soil for flowers and some decent (maybe organic) nutes.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the others. I had some bad luck early on with this type of soil. There is no control over when and how much nutes your plants get.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I tried it lol
everytime you water it releases more nutes weather you want/need them or not. Odds are you will kill the plants with nute burn before they are a week old.