Small Ass Seedlings Still, and Yellowish leaves.... Please I need answers


Well-Known Member
Guys my plants are still having problems... they have grown so slowly new leaves that were green at first but now they are starting to yellow and brownish spots are appearing... I've fed them nothing but RO phd water

F.A Hayek

Active Member
Can you post more pictures mate? How old are they now? The brownish spots sound like a calcium deficiency so you may want to give them some Calmag.


Well-Known Member
Can you post more pictures mate? How old are they now? The brownish spots sound like a calcium deficiency so you may want to give them some Calmag.
It's hard to tell in the pic but the new leaves developing are starting to already slightly turn yellow and can you see the brownish/purple spots on the first leaves.... the stems are purple as well.

I thought they were nute burned at first so I only fed them plain RO water ph'd. I also added a humidifier to the room which seems to have helped with growth slightly but they seem to still be turning yellow the leaves....



Well-Known Member
You need to add cl/mag to your RO. RO/Distilled water can act like a sponge and suck nutrients.

F.A Hayek

Active Member
It's hard to tell in the pic but the new leaves developing are starting to already slightly turn yellow and can you see the brownish/purple spots on the first leaves.... the stems are purple as well.

I thought they were nute burned at first so I only fed them plain RO water ph'd. I also added a humidifier to the room which seems to have helped with growth slightly but they seem to still be turning yellow the leaves....
The new growth looks good, however she looks a little hungry to me. You might want to start adding a small amount of nutes, say 200PPM to see how she responds and work up from there.


Well-Known Member
You're starving it to death. No nutes in coco/perlite. That's why you should start it in a small cup first with seed starter and get it nice and healthy before transplant, and you won't have to worry about the right dosage of a nute solution for a seedling.


Well-Known Member
The new growth looks good, however she looks a little hungry to me. You might want to start adding a small amount of nutes, say 200PPM to see how she responds and work up from there.
You're starving it to death. No nutes in coco/perlite. That's why you should start it in a small cup first with seed starter and get it nice and healthy before transplant, and you won't have to worry about the right dosage of a nute solution for a seedling.
Aiite so I listened to you guys and fed them with a light amount of nutrients RO water total around 200ppm and the next day when I looked at them the growth looked really good the yellowing was gone and one of the older leaf tips that I thought was nute burn looked like it was healing, they must have been hungry. However the cotyledon looks like it is fucked not that that even matters that much and also the stems are still purple... and the growth looks very small still..

F.A Hayek

Active Member
Give them a few more days to show growth, and continue to increase the PPM if they're still looking hungry.


Well-Known Member
I found out the problem with them , they were just really phosphorus deficient which would explain the extremely slow growth and the dullish green that would take over older leaves eventually it would turn a yellow/white. The stems were also a reddish purple, I fed them phosphorus nutes a day ago and they are already growing faster than they ever were before and are getting a nice rich green color on their leaves even the older ones that were dulling.