small flys on my plant


Active Member
Fungus gnats. You can try GoGnats, No Pest Strips, Neem Oil or Azamax (or all of them). I had a HUGE problem with these fucks for MONTHS. I still see some here and there, but the problem has been reduced significantly thanks to those 4 products I mentioned. Others have said to put an inch layer of sand over the top of your soil. I haven't tried that but I would think it should work. I'm gonna try it soon. I fucking hate these things.


Well-Known Member
Like Trian79 said, sounds like fungus gnats. I had these in my last grow, probably because of the crappy soil I used. With mine they were bad enough that I could scrape off a little bit of the top soil and I could see the gnats scattering. I personally used lemongrass oil on the soil which killed the gnats on contact and also used a no-pest strip, neither seemed to affect the plants.

For my current grow I made sure to use a higher quality soil and also I believe the lids on top of my buckets helps (makes it harder for gnats to get to and from soil).


Yes, they are Scarid flies, they lay their eggs into the top layer ov compost and the wee grubs eat some the surface roots... so they not good. As said, covering the soil really helps, Sand might be ok, unless its splashed out the way when you water, Capilary Matting might be better, alowing water and air to get to the surface ov the soil but not letting the flies lay their eggs on the soil...
How about a Permaculture solution... what about growing Sun Dews and Venus Fly Traps under the plants...? just a thought.
Although, as your nearly done with this grow, what about dealing with the flies by using a vacume cleaner hose attachment to suck em all up...But be carefull, obviously.
Then next time, cover the soil, right up to the stem and fitting snuggly into the pot and keep a beady eye out for the flies. And dont reuse the soil for the next grow. Put it on the Roses or spread it thinly onto the Lawn and brush it in.

Hope that helps some.
Good luck
Keep da faith


Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats are usually a sign of over watering, but it could be your soil. You could try diluting some hydrogen peroxide into your water that will kill off any fungus that the gnats are eatting.

kbo ca

Active Member
I have heard a lot about people using a slice of potato on their soil. Supposedly they are atracted to it and over night you will find your pests lying dead on your potato slice! I dont think this will remedy the larvae which may be in the soil. @bamfrivet , do you suppose the peroxide might damage roots? Respect


Well-Known Member
I had fungus gnats, I stopped watering for a few days and they seem to have gone. I would suggest scraping the top inch or so of soil up and replacing with sand. I was going to do this but didn't need to, playsand is the easiest as it's been cleaned etc but I had coarse, washed sharp sand which I was until the water ran nearly clear. I don't think sand absorbs any nuts either. I would have check the pH of the water after to see if it effected it at all.
If anyone knows any more or if I'm wrong please tell me, I like to learn new things. :)


Active Member
I have heard a lot about people using a slice of potato on their soil. Supposedly they are atracted to it and over night you will find your pests lying dead on your potato slice! I dont think this will remedy the larvae which may be in the soil. @bamfrivet , do you suppose the peroxide might damage roots? Respect
H2O2 is used to oxygenate the water amongst other things. 2mL/10L every 2 days in my tank, pre solution tanks i run at 4mL/10L for 2 days while the water pumps around with 2 12in airstones.


Active Member
havnt really tried it myself but there is some who tell putting an inch or so of sand over your soil will take care of em ... If you try it let me know if it works for ya ... I 'm always curious about such things ....