Small Grow - Convert PC Case?


Active Member
Hey all,

Im planning a small grow in a walk in cupboard that has to be very discreet and stealthy but it won't be the end of the world if it gets found.

Im looking at growing in a Gutted PC case
but Im worried about the serious lack of room, even for a 100% Indica.

So my question is, what are the minimum dimensions I could use for a reasonable yield, the case Im looking at is 20" high and 7.5" wide and I may buy two and join them together so Its 20" H x 15" W

- Cheers


Well-Known Member
its guna be a long 4 months for about 40 grams lol save your money and time and plan a room or closet , something next to a window , or in ur room if u dont live at home.... build a grow room out of home hardware supplys next to ur window


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking the same thing. I have the available "small place" but all I need to know is what's the minimum space needed?
Instead of PC case(s) i was going to combine 2-3 boxes together, line with foil, cut lighting holes into the top and small computer fan holes into the side bottom and side top?
The boxes are 11" deep by 18" wide by 11" high. Hence, I could do:
2 boxes @ 11" deep x 18" wide x 22" high
3 boxes @ 11"deep x 18" wide x 33" high.


Well-Known Member
but the yeild probly wont even pay for what ul put into it man weigh the good with the bad , u dont want to get to flowering and be like fuck i dont have enough room, or it wasnt worth it man the minumum i would say to grow a single plant 6 ft high, foot for the pot foot for lights, 2.5 feet for plant 1.5 feet away form hps so u dont burn, if using cfl wich will give u weak green.... id say 2x2 wide foot for bucket foot for lights 2 for plant so 2x2x4 with a good vent syystem and fans


Active Member
Well, cheers for the warning but as I said Im willing to revise the plan based on feedback.

Doing anything next to a window is a No-No, it has to be a discreet, completley contained setup that ideally can be housed in a PC Case or something similar.

Just wondering what kind of dimensions I would need to grow > 1 Ounce Ideally > 1.5 Ounces

I realise this is a tiny amount for so much work but as I tend to smoke only at weekends, 1 - 2 ounces would last me months and save a lot of money


Posted just after your second post, cheers for that =)


Well-Known Member
The most you'd be able to get out of a pc case is maybe half an ounce. Come up with something a bit bigger like a cabinet or some kind of furniture. maybe a rubbermaid or something.


Active Member

That sounds like a fantastic Idea to essentially build a custom PC Case, I would love to know what kind of boxes you are using and how you are planning to do it.


Active Member
Cheers weeda,

Im in the U.K so unless Im being ignorant I don't know what rubbermaids are,
Half an ounce isnt worth it for me so I guess I will have to rethink it.


Well-Known Member
you need to vent the stink / stag air to a window , or ur house if u dont mind the smell , but those girls need fresh air man , and for an oz iuno man with pc id say half foot for pot, hope they dont get root bound.... flower at a foot , hope they only double, so 2.5 feet so far and half foot of shitty lights , is that wat u wanna hear man , trust me i did a contained closed grow it doesnt work the heat will backup the vent if u dont vent it close enough to a window , the lights get hot , with hps , but i would dump the pc, and put 2 50 gal tubberware containers ontop of eqchother , it worked , put a passive hole at the botome , about an inch , get light fixtures 20 bucks at home depot with 3 - 9 lights on it pending what u want , put on top or facing eachother on each side at top , i would lst... i seen it work in soil it got 2 weeks in flower and it was a ,male.... it went into flowering at about 12 inches , and it was like a foot and a hlf when it had to die, and thats without colas,..... so really plan out the entire grow , do ur research and plan it out right down to the curing process ok...... dont waste ur time and money,, sorry for being attitudy lol gatta blaze a bowl


Active Member

Thanks for the advice, Im going to take it and rethink the whole thing, like you say, no point rushing it and ending up with half an Oz of bad stuff.


Active Member
it's possible to grow in a smaller case than what you have. There was a thread on another forum of someone's "micro stealth grow". worked , but he only got 10g from one plant


Well-Known Member
u can grow in a jiffy cup, point is theres no fucking point man , the yeild and effort doesnt match up, spend ur time on designing a grow room , or building a grow room


Well-Known Member
the smaller the pot that the weed is in the more it will limit the plants growth allowing it to fit inside a pc. i am currently growing in a pc half as wide as the one your talking about and have 8 plants in 7 pepsi cans with a 50 watts hps and 2 30 watt cfls and a 120mm fan. not that stealthy cuz light leaks but my friend is doing one with only 1 30 watt cfl and no fan cuz it has to be hidden.


Well-Known Member
but the yeild is shit , wtf is the point, save ur money and setup a nice one when you have the chance , or do an outdoor, the risk isnt worth 1 plant for half oz every 2 months lol, chances are if u need to be stealth and only have half a plant then u shouldnt be growing lol be smart be safe , go big or go home


Well-Known Member
its cheaper to buy from a dealer then spend all the time and money , but growing is a fun hobbie i would imagine so i i duno , im gray aread on this subject


Active Member
iv almost finished building my pc case im using 1 125w dual spectrum cfl and 2 80mm on exaust and a ps2 fan for air movement in the box
my friend grew 15grams of sweet bud in a pc case using half the light wattage and lst!
im not sure if im gna lst or scrog but definalty one or the other and i bet with the extra wattage i can grow much more he didnt even fill the full case ! its definatly possible
dont listen to all these sayin its not worth it because if you plan it rite u can build it for undeer 50pounds half ounce costs around 40pounds in uk
and this box will last ! ull get more then one smoke off it and growin is a fun hobbie ! listen my friend, js coz these lot have the space and recources to grow big they expect every1 else to aswell ! fuck em js plan correctly and i asure you, you wont be too disapointed! haha
ill be sure to send you a link to my journal when i start it at the end of week mate


Well-Known Member
i agree for the hobbie aspect but not the money ... it might be 10 pounds cheaper but u dont need to wait 2-3 months now do you lol