Small holes on only ONE leaf? wtf?


Hey, I got holes on only one new leaf of one of my indoors. no signs of bugs other than a couple of fruit flies I've seen. and its only on ONE new leaf on my veggin baby? wtf? anyone got an idea?... Holes are not exact same size. will post pics if I can.


Well-Known Member
I'd check real hard for bugs they can be quite elusive. I found an inchworm and a stinkbug in my room and they both put in some good work in about 24hrs.


Well-Known Member
Yep, holes are usually from bugs unless you did it yourself by accident or something. But if it looks chewed it's probably some bug or other that is eating and then leaving so you don't see him. :)

If you can post a pic we can probably tell for sure if it is bugs or something else.


Active Member
i've got the exact same thing. I've been checking for mites and thrips. I did some pro-active fungicide on them at low dosage back in veg, and it usually works pretty well for me. but who knows. think im gonna go double check. better safe than sorry.