Small personal grow in large Uhaul wardrobe Box

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I have been a reading rollitup and sites like it for several years now and decided to give growing another shot. I have had a couple previous soil grows but during both instances I had the same problem with the leaves turning yellow with brown spots when they were about 8 inches tall. I am still very much a noob and would greatly appreciate any help the members of rollitup could give me. I tried aerogarden right before this and don't want to get into the ridiculous mold problems I had and the money wasted on that thing.

This time I am using top soil mixed with vermiculate from my gardening center as the medium. I am using a growbox made from Wardrobe box from uhaul the dimensons are 2' x 2' x 4'. I am using bagseed because I didn't want to waste money on good seeds for nothing like the last time.

I plan to have a veg room and a flowering room operating simultaneously using the SOG method to provide me with herb year round.

I only have 2 42 watt cfl's right now for the 4 plants I planted in 1 gallon water jugs. I realize they need a lot more light during this stage and I plan on buying a hps and some exhaust fans next week when I get paid but I'm trying to make the limited amount of light work for right now. I am also using three 26 watt bulbs from my aerogrow hood for seedlings.

I have recently noticed the all too familiar yellowing and dying leaves and brown spots starting at the lower leaves. I will have pics up soon.


Active Member
Id recomend you read
It will help you aproach your grow with more confidence.
Good Nutes, Soil, drainage, Seed, Light, Temps, Airflow and patience and your chances of growing a decent crop is very simple. marijuana is a very resilient plant and usualy only begins to fail to over remedying.


thanks for the advice and the link I'll check it out. I'll also be putting up some pictures soon


After doing some research I think my problem is that my ph is too high. I got a ph meter and it is reading around 8. I know it should be around 6.5 but how can I lower the ph of the soil after the plants are already growing in it? Would using acidic water work? Can I use Ph down?


Active Member
I see your not reading the faq. Its in there. All it takes is time to search the forum and you can find the answer to 99% of your questions.


Well-Known Member
Well said sens. Too many noobs expect a magic forumula with 5 easy to follow instructions that they can intuitively execute with magic and instant results.


yes it is cardboard, i'm using cfls and havent had many problems with heat. I do plan on running inline intake/exhaust fans witha carbon filter. I've read hundreds of threads and posts, and sens yes I have read the faq but I still don't understand what exactly is causing my problems there are so many variables. I tried sulfur and spagnum moss to bring down the ph and it helped a little. It also lightened up the soil a bit.
And to the chuck norris fan over there what is the purpose of getting on here making comments like that? So you can feel superior to the "noobs" who come to these forums as a last resort asking for help from experienced growers when all else fails? Get that garbage outta here nobody wants to hear it. People like you need to shut the fu** up n quit actin brand new just cuz u been growin longer

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
it's a 2x2x4 wardrobe box with that metal bar across the top i been using it to hang lights from, i know its a small box but its apersonal gow and im doin sog:weed:
whats up man, heres my u-haul wardrobe box setup, the first pic is the grow i am fixin to start with soil, the other is the hydro setup i was using



Well-Known Member
whats up man, heres my u-haul wardrobe box setup, the first pic is the grow i am fixin to start with soil, the other is the hydro setup i was using
Hey is there any way u could posted better pic... trying to see how u keep your temps blow 85f

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
and im still using that same box today, LoL. go to my current grow in my sig and check out some of those pics. that deal didnt work and i went with soil, ive pulled almost 5 pounds outta that over the years.

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
Rock on man, love it when people make stuff happen with what they have
and im still using that same box today, LoL. go to my current grow in my sig and check out some of those pics. that deal didnt work and i went with soil, ive pulled almost 5 pounds outta that over the years.