Smart Grow Room


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking lately about all those gadget that are coming out for smart homes, controlling everything, lights, heat, TV, Water, Everything. All those sensors that are coming out on the market nowadays. You know what I am talking about. So why not implement these things into the grow rooms, I mean you control everything anyway in the grow room, so why not connect everything to a single sensor or whatever, a "smart device" and control everything from your phone? I am not saying don't go to the grow room or leave it be. Nothing beats, taking close personal care for your plants. Just probably would be easier to be able control changing factors even if you don't have physical access to the room, or if something goes wrong finding out in time so you don't lose those fast withering hydro crops.

What do you say, people? Please share thoughts, experience and ideas about this. I am really interested in how much more advanced can a setup get by adding something similar. Really excited to find out what you guys think, and maybe start a discussion on how to get a Smart Grow Room running.

P.S. That just occurred to me, if there is somewhere else a similar thread that I have missed, I want to apologise about opening a new one, and would really appreciate it if you point me in its direction.