Smart phones?


Well-Known Member
Buy a burner. You can get pre-paid phones from 10-50$. Plus you can register them under a fake name.


Active Member
i still have all my old cell phones, i use one as a non when i call places and want to keep myself anonymous. Either way i always turn off my GPS and shit, but then i think what if someone takes me and that shit could have saved my ass!!!
Best tip! I have a few old nokia bricks myself and sim cards from before you had to show your ID to buy them, they've always come in handy.

Samsung Galaxy S2 for the win easily shits over an Iphone, but all the gps is a bit too much. Be careful with apps because some of them turn the gps back on, even if you have turned it off. Sergey and Larry know where you are, they can probably push a button in silicon valley and turn your phone into an AV recording device if they wanted to... Sorry to anyone super paranoid about smartphones...


Well-Known Member
Best tip! I have a few old nokia bricks myself and sim cards from before you had to show your ID to buy them, they've always come in handy.

Samsung Galaxy S2 for the win easily shits over an Iphone, but all the gps is a bit too much. Be careful with apps because some of them turn the gps back on, even if you have turned it off. Sergey and Larry know where you are, they can probably push a button in silicon valley and turn your phone into an AV recording device if they wanted to... Sorry to annoy super paranoid about smartphones...
I was recently hiding out and a friend tracked me down using my phones GPS feature I didn't even know I had


Well-Known Member
ah yeah my phone wasnt that expensive, its not a smart phone, its zebra, so im happy


Well-Known Member
ah yeah my phone wasnt that expensive, its not a smart phone, its zebra, so im happy
Are you somehow implying that Zebras are the retards of the Equine world? Well, ok...I'll give you that one...Zebras are pretty retarded.


Active Member
got pics, wtf's a zebra?

My favourite, og brick style, circa 97

It makes AND receives calls, amazing I tell ya!
Congratulations on the new phone!
If you ever decide to upgrade to a smartphone, check out an android phone with "Swype". It's the best text input option I have ever used. Instead of tapping each letter on a touchscreen keyboard you "Swype" from letter to letter without lifting your finger. I was instantly faster with swype then I was after years of 2 thumbed qwerty keyboard texting.


Well-Known Member
It's so they can track you and watch you. Everyone will have one, in Japan the phones are credit cards to. Their going to give us all "free" phones and internet if allmost everyone doesn't buy one and pay for it first. Welcome to the NWO.
Dude, actually a video that made me lol. That shit was pretty fuckin funny.


New Member
I like my iPhone but I got a really nice deal on it or else I wouldn't have gotten it. If you got big fingers DON'T get an iphone, you can tilt it to the side and the letters get bigger but not by much. Takes practice but I'm pretty accurate with it

Just turn off all the tracking shit. Like its set by default to keep your lat and longitude on your pictures and shit, first thing I did was turn that off. All apps ask if they need it, and you can allow it for specific apps only too which is nice.


Well-Known Member
I love my smartphone, I got a Blackberry Torch and it's sick :P Greatest phone ever made, in my opinion of course.


Well-Known Member
Used to rock one of these, I shit you not:

Now I rock one of these:

Btw, Metro PCS is such a janky company.
Are there any phone companies out there in the world that arent fucking smart phones? I hate hate hate them. All that touch screen/app bullshit makes me feel like a retard, plus the phones are really fucking expensive. to top it off, I have Metro PCS, and they're always behind the loop, but they're starting to catch up, and phase out all of their normal phones!!!
Dude its government conspiracy to be able to delve into people personal lives n see what all they're doing aha


Well-Known Member
i dont have the money to upgrade my plan so even if i did like smart phones, or found a phone i could use, it means we would have to change our plans
i am in the same boat. i can't change my phone plan anymor ebecause the new phones and plans requires a dataplan and i refuse to pay $20 more a month. i'd rather live without a cell phone & get a home phone line. a house phone can be as little as $10 a month if you get local and incoming. i pay 6x that for cell phone without dataplan.