Smell control


Active Member
I have a 2x2 tent with a carbon filter(6inch) with fan. Haven't started the grow yet. But when I hook everything up filter fan and duct. I can still smell the incense that I burn in side the tent what am I doing wrong. There is a speed controller on the fan I have it turned all the way down. I dont want to start till I get the smell taken care of. I know hanging it from the top would be optimal. The tent is to small.



Well-Known Member
Incense is smoke some is gonna rise past the filter and escape that tent.turn your fan up the filter is restricting the airflow on top of it being on a low setting


Well-Known Member
Imo mounted on top isn’t always optimal if you need the headspace that could be better


Well-Known Member
Exhaust typically goes on top heat rises . exhaust at the bottom will suck all ur fresh air out coming in from lower .


Active Member
the smoke is just to simulate the smell of the flower. I was thinking if the filter could take care of smoke smell then it would have no problem with the other. Also the smell was coming out of the duct out side of the tent like the filter was not scrubing the air clean. I thought you wanted the fan on low so it would spend more time going over the carbon. I can vent it out the ceiling into the attic and possibly out side of the house just did want to cut holes in the ceiling if it was not Necessary.


Active Member
I did the exact same test when I got my carbon filter and I blew smoke into the tent and smelled the exhaust port and smelled smoke!! I freaked and immediately contacted the store where I bought the filter and wanted a refund. Turns out that some filters do not filter actual smoke that well, but they will filter the weed smell. I ended up sticking a bunch of weed in the tent so I could confirm that it was filtering the smell plants didnt have their stink yet.

Just make sure you don't turn up the fan too much,because like you said,you want the air to pass over/through the carbon at a slower speed.
if you turn up the fan too high and go above your filters CFM rating,then the filter won't work good or at all.


Well-Known Member
You could always place the filter outside of the tent. Run your exhaust duct from the top, like you already have it, but place the filter outside of the tent.

One of my tents, a smaller tent, is routed like this due to space constraints. I have the filter hanging just above the tent, with only about two feet of ducting. Google or search in this forum for intake and exhaust setups. There are picture examples floating around.


Active Member
outside the tent is a good idea. The ducting that was sent from vivosun had holes in the ridges. So bought another one from a.c.infinty. much better product in my opinion. Just the weight difference alone was noticeable. That's what I thought the problem was to start. Just cut up some old onions and garlic and placed it in there to see if I could smell that. If I can't then I will try and run it outside the tent. I was trying to get two auto in the tent bu t the tent seems really small.


Well-Known Member
Brand of carbon filter also matters, from my experience. The cheap filters aren’t always that good. You didn’t mention what brand filter you have. If you did, my bad.

Just wanted to throw that out there. I hear the AC Infinity filters are pretty good for the money, but have no experience. I personally use a Phresh filter, because I know it works for me.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I have a 2x2 tent with a carbon filter(6inch) with fan. Haven't started the grow yet. But when I hook everything up filter fan and duct. I can still smell the incense that I burn in side the tent what am I doing wrong. There is a speed controller on the fan I have it turned all the way down. I dont want to start till I get the smell taken care of. I know hanging it from the top would be optimal. The tent is to small.
I would mount that filter on ceiling and take back your floor space

Eric tokes

New Member
I run my filter outside the tent, sucking the air our and pushing through the filter. This works well for me and allows me to have floor and ceiling space and I suck the hot air out from the top of the tent. and yes I know my flap is open. This pic was from when I was first just setting up the tent.


Well-Known Member
I'd aim at having the fan/filter suck in from the top of the tent where the hot air (smoke too!) rises (and helps cool the plants) and then make sure you've got all but one of the little vents closed as tight as you can. Also make sure the ducting/fan/filter cinches are as tight as possible. You want to see some negative pressure in your tent if you're not getting enough negative pressure then the smell will leak out your vents, zipper and seams.