Smoke in the grow room?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info!! It does go agaisn't what I have always heard. Not that I don't believe you! If so I appreciate the info. I hardly ever smoke anything around my plants, but I have always heard it was ok. Now would you happen to have any links to any sites or any articles that discuss this, maybe where you got your info? Thanks again for the heads up for me and everyone!!! :)
People here and elsewhere take such pride in their plants that they monitor the nutes like a chemist, we monitor PPM, EC and PH and freak out when the PH is out of whack. We study the plants progress with jewler loops and pocket microscopes like a laboratory scientist. We love to just gander at our plants like proud parents. Only to blaze up in the grow room, I mean once in a blue moon smoking would be ok I suppose, but blazing up on a regular basis is counter productive to all our hard work.

I believe that people believe no harm is being done because we do not see immediate Epinasty damage. These people that condone smoking in grow rooms need to take a white hankerchief and use an organic leaf cleaner, then wipe the leaves off. Only then would you see all the crap smoke leaves in it's wake. And see epinasty is an issue. The herbs we grow are a hardy plant and can take a lot of abuse, but anyone that says smoking is not harmful has it wrong.

Perhaps if people insist on smoking in the grow room and after smoking, take the time to clean every leaf, only then would it be less taboo. Since that is impractical, it would be far easier to smoke outside the grow room. Trust me, I'm not a hypocrite or an anti smoker advocate (cig and whatever) and I've been guilty of smoking in the grow room myself, but I know in doing so is not harmless.

Many smokers will tell you that it's difficult to remove TAR and other crap smoke leaves behind. Many of these substances left behind aren't water soluble, and a simply foliar spraying or cleaning of the foliage is not going to easily remove the crap thats clogging the leaf membrane and cells, which in turn hinders photosynthesis.

If I have the time, I'm going to start a grow journal with two identical clones, both under the same conditions, I'll figure out a way to introduce smoke to one and not the other. I'll try to prove to the naysayers that smoke and herbs don't play well with one another.
Some people need to see proof, I'll try to accommodate these naysayers.

-Stay Tuned-.


Well-Known Member
People here and elsewhere take such pride in their plants that they monitor the nutes like a chemist, we monitor PPM, EC and PH and freak out when the PH is out of whack. We study the plants progress with jewler loops and pocket microscopes like a laboratory scientist. We love to just gander at our plants like proud parents. Only to blaze up in the grow room, I mean once in a blue moon smoking would be ok I suppose, but blazing up on a regular basis is counter productive to all our hard work.

I believe that people believe no harm is being done because we do not see immediate Epinasty damage. These people that condone smoking in grow rooms need to take a white hankerchief and use an organic leaf cleaner, then wipe the leaves off. Only then would you see all the crap smoke leaves in it's wake. And see epinasty is an issue. The herbs we grow are a hardy plant and can take a lot of abuse, but anyone that says smoking is not harmful has it wrong.

Perhaps if people insist on smoking in the grow room and after smoking, take the time to clean every leaf, only then would it be less taboo. Since that is impractical, it would be far easier to smoke outside the grow room. Trust me, I'm not a hypocrite or an anti smoker advocate (cig and whatever) and I've been guilty of smoking in the grow room myself, but I know in doing so is not harmless.

Many smokers will tell you that it's difficult to remove TAR and other crap smoke leaves behind. Many of these substances left behind aren't water soluble, and a simply foliar spraying or cleaning of the foliage is not going to easily remove the crap thats clogging the leaf membrane and cells, which in turn hinders photosynthesis.

If I have the time, I'm going to start a grow journal with two identical clones, both under the same conditions, I'll figure out a way to introduce smoke to one and not the other. I'll try to prove to the naysayers that smoke and herbs don't play well with one another.
Some people need to see proof, I'll try to accommodate these naysayers.

-Stay Tuned-.
I will be watching!!! Thanks, good info! I can't wait to see the results. But what you say does make a lot of sense.


Well-Known Member
even tho its not good for your plants its not gonna be that bad..... but a bi product from burning is carbon monoxide which is poisonous.. if i grew indoors id smoke weed in my grow room all the time.. but not ciggerettes cuz there full of chemicals and shit..