Smokefrogg's Lil Apartment Grow - 250 hps


Active Member
pics right after the lights go out - january 25 2010
a few shots a minute or 2 after it was lights out time for them, shhh ZZZzzz...

hindu skunk, tasty!!

one of the xj13 colas tied down, touching the wall a tad

the xj13 bent and tied down, hope they bend back up quickly and don't stress!

the most crystally bud so far, it's on the smallest plant, a trainwreck, can't wait to taste this one

group shot, you can see a lot more clearly that the top of the xj13 has a few more inches of clearance from the light =)


Active Member
more heat and higher temps = more water for your girls. i have a $20 fan from home depot, its 18 inches. also have a little fan low to the ground as an intake. my temps are 72-75 with my 400 12 inches away from the top. that 18 inch fan really helped tons. also try keeping the door open if you have one. just hate to see that 400 on its side like that. i'd use them both if you can find a way. how about a stand up ac?


Active Member
more heat and higher temps = more water for your girls. i have a $20 fan from home depot, its 18 inches. also have a little fan low to the ground as an intake. my temps are 72-75 with my 400 12 inches away from the top. that 18 inch fan really helped tons. also try keeping the door open if you have one. just hate to see that 400 on its side like that. i'd use them both if you can find a way. how about a stand up ac?
you're right, i am going to get a way to get the 400 in there, but after this harvest

these girls had just gone into flowering, it's my first grow getting this far and i am really worried about stressing them, it had been several days and temps were high, only got it down to 102~103 from 110~111, so i opted for pulling the light out and going back to the 250 which is running about 82~83, the plants are doing much better now

after these girls harvest i will be spending money to cool it down the proper way, right now i just can't toss any more dough at it though so i get to wait on any upgrades, c'est la vie, i can't complain, for my first real grow they seem to be coming along nicely, all about being patient now =) peace!


Active Member
bud closeups - january 29 2010

trying to get some good closeups here, in order of appearance, hindu skunk, xj13, 2 trainwreck pics



Active Member
4 weeks flowering, dried out spotty blotchy brittle leaves, hmmm? - january 31 2010

not sure if i should be concerned or not

this isn't just happening on fan leaves, it's happening on some of the smaller leaves jutting out from the flowers, any ideas?



Active Member
Looking good so far!! hope you can find the issue causing the leaf discoloration/dryness. happens to me during mid/late flowering. I have yet to find out what causes it, even with different nutes and being VERY consistent with ph and such. Goodluck.


Active Member
Looking good so far!! hope you can find the issue causing the leaf discoloration/dryness. happens to me during mid/late flowering. I have yet to find out what causes it, even with different nutes and being VERY consistent with ph and such. Goodluck.
i think it's a phosphorous deficiency

been doing some reading and it seems to be based on the issue, i made a helpme post about it and was also told that the exact same thing happened to them and it was indeed a phosphorous deficiency, sooo, i'm going to swing by a shop on the way home tonight and pick up something cheap, hope it does the trick!


Active Member
problem seems to be a P deficiency - february 3 2010

the girls are growing and not doing bad

but that leaf blotchy issue isn't good, after a lot of reading and asking around, everything and everybody seems to be pointing to a phosphorous deficiency

i picked up some 10-15-10 schultz concentrated plant food and gave each of the plants a 1/2 does during watering today, we'll keep this up for a few days and see how it goes

i also picked up some superthrive, just a small bottle, i'll give them a bit of that every other watering

more pics will come in a few days, hmm, we'll be at 5 weeks flowering tomorrow btw, gotta' keep it goin', in about 4 weeks it'll be harvest time for the hindu skunk and the xj13!


Well-Known Member
nice! i'm finishing up an XJ13 plant right now. It is a lovely smelling plant.. with crystals EVERYWHERE! enjoy!


Active Member
these girls are doing a better! after a few days of this i can tell that they just plain look healthier, i am not seeing any new blotchiness either

i'll get some pics of later today after errand running, we are seeing more and more red hairs forming, 37 days in flowering today i believe


Active Member
nutrients are helping - february 5 2010

the nutrients are slowly doing their job, we're not seeing any additional blotches on the girls

here are some more pics!



Active Member
nice! i'm finishing up an XJ13 plant right now. It is a lovely smelling plant.. with crystals EVERYWHERE! enjoy!
awesome man!

she is a lanky plant! stretched like crazy a week into flowering, i was not prepared for that, man she is starting to get all frosty =)

i'm definitely going to try to get a few clones off her through reveg after harvest


Active Member
growing growing, 41 days flowering - february 10 2010
lagging on pics lately, here are some shots

the burn/mottling hasn't been spreading since i gave these girls some good nutrients, i haven't wanted to chop the half dried out leaves as there is still chlorophyll so they are still being used to aid photosynthesis, no worries they'll get trimmed for good in a few weeks, we will begin feeding nothing but water to all but the trainwreck at the end of next week, flush them out so as to have super smoooooth smoke

in order, xj13, group shot, xj13 again



Active Member
new lighting settings on the digicam - february 16 2010

just trying out new lighting settings

i've set the white balance to the cabinet as it is white, seems to come out a lot better like this if the lamp is on



Active Member
nice! i'm finishing up an XJ13 plant right now. It is a lovely smelling plant.. with crystals EVERYWHERE! enjoy!
i actually saw some at a dispensary the other day, picked up a gram just to taste, it's very citrusy, surreal and dreamy, calms my head down and would probably rock if a migraine came on