Smoking bud just taken from a live plant.


Well-Known Member
Harsh, unpleasant smoke. If it would get you high after being cured properly, it will probably get you high "raw".


Well-Known Member
it depends when u take it off..if u take it off during the 2nd-3rd week of lfowering u wont get high ...but if u take it off during the 5th-6th week nd dry it out under a light or in a jar it well smell 100x beter nd u well get really high (depending on strain) ..only take off a little bit like a gram nug if u take off to much u can cause stress nd casue less yield nd stunt growth....happy smokin :)


Well-Known Member
a torch nd a small bowl does smoke even of just taken off plant 2 mins ago lmaoo bit dosent get u high suggeston dont do it let it dry then smoke


Active Member
well i just harvested my first grow and it looks and smells fire as hell. bout 60-70% of the hairs turned orange and it had crystals all over it. it was just a bag seed but i think it must have been a sativa plant, it was really light green with alot of crystals and hairs and very fluffy looking.
its currently drying right now on a piece of aluminum foil in my attic, but i was really hurting to smoke as ive been out for about a week now... so bout a 3-4 hours into drying i picked out the 2 smallest buds and decided to smoke them. they were crazy sticky... stickier than any bud ive ever bought lol, soo i packed em up into my glass bowl and used a normal Bic and let it rip.

well i can officially confirm that im fuckin RIPPED... so to answer the original poster's question, yea you can get high off wet bud BUT it wont taste very good at all like stated before. like the guy above me said if it would get you stoned when dry, it will get you stoned when wet. now i can hardly wait for the rest of it to dry out lol