Smoking DMT?


Well-Known Member
How can you actually smoke this and have it work? the internet has many various ways but have any of you try'd it? its not like i have any but i would love to know how people smoke it without a special pipe?:peace:
a cheap and easy way to smoke DMT is with a pipe (for pot) take cig ash and put it on the bottom of the bowl then sprinkle the DMT on top of the ash THEN cover up the DMT with a little more cig ash. Dont pack it down just ash your cig on the bowl or something.

Now this is when it becomes tricky, take your lighter and hold the flame just above the ash and slowly breathe in and inhale. Never touch the flame to the ash or suck too hard. Be sure to have a gatorade or something to take the taste away before you fall into your trip.

I've tripped DMT a few times and I find this is the best way unless you buy one of those crackpipe roses at a gas station. You can also use a pot ash but it doesnt work as well for some reason.


Well-Known Member
basically what closet grower said except use parsley or some other herb instead of ash.
the tricky thing about dmt is that a flame completely kills it.
the idea here is to lightly "melt" the dmt into the bottom layer of herb.
then lightly torch the top layer.
when the top layer cherries, the heat from it will vaporize the dmt in the bottom layer.
you'll know when you get a nice hit.
it tastes like burning plastic mixed with chemicals. (i actually looooove it..)
keep toking until you fall over.. seriously.. that's the only way to do dmt..


Active Member
only took 2 hits so crazy trips yet due to dosage but I got a bong with water (or ice im sure will help fuck you up :) and put a little weed or ash or any herb on bottom...the dmt hit and then more herb/ash on top and follow as the other posters's not too hard with water filtering the taste but it's hard to know if you got a good hit or not before you die coughing on the hit


Well-Known Member
Remember not to torc hthe DMT, keep the flame a little distance away and just patiently suck on your pipe until the vapour becomes visible (which is why I prefer a small glass pipe).
If it tastes bad you are burning it.

You should realy not be coughing... I wonder if you didn't maybe also transfer some of the lye tea when you did your pulls... (which is why you always pull into one vessel and then transfer that to FP dish) gravity tends to pull the brown stuff to the bottom.

Either way, if you can keep it in for 20 seconds or so, you should no longer be aware of haveing lungs...
The stuff is alot like salvia... the trick is to hold your breath in with the smoke until jesus comes.

My damn camera's batteries are flat again. Will post a pic of a cool DMT pipe later, it has a ball made from those small brass pipe screens you get at the headshop in the bottom as a bed.

Not haveing a plant base in there means DMT that condenses on the inside can be harvested with dry acetone and evaped off again, WITHOUT ANY TAR.


Active Member
that's a cheap vaporizer...I didn't know they were that cheap except for lightbulb home-made ones... The problem w/ my bong(while I love it) it's on the bigger size for something you wanna take a controlled hit off the time you fill up the whole chamber your almost out of breath with the dmt and I think that's why I coughed but last night I took like 6 or 7 hits and only tasted really bad when I burnt it and made me cough once but other than that after awhile you don;t even feel smoke in your lungs


Well-Known Member
Aye, thats why I use a glass pipe, as I can not tell by drawing alone if it is vapourising allready... with the glass, you can see the white vapour.


Well-Known Member
yeah, not convinced it would be for say pot, but consideting the low boiling point of DMT, it is fine for that.