smoking left over bud from ISO


Well-Known Member
So, the cops left a styrophone container with the some small buds I used to make ISO with. Some of the buds have trichomes still on them. I smoked some last night and it definelty tasted weak.

Does anyone here have any expereince smoking left over ISO bud? Opinions?


Ursus marijanus
Those trichomes have been stripped by the iso. I would expect smoking washed bud to be about as effective and pleasurable as rolling a fatty out of the dead fan leaf waste from veg. cn

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
So, the cops left a styrophone container with the some small buds I used to make ISO with. Some of the buds have trichomes still on them. I smoked some last night and it definelty tasted weak.

Does anyone here have any expereince smoking left over ISO bud? Opinions?
Did they end up leaving you with any paper work at all? or just a hi, fuck you bye . . .


Well-Known Member
Fuck it. NOthing else to do.Don't even have any rolling papers. Gonna pack a cig paper with it. GOD DAMIT IT YA"LL. I feel like a fucking martyr(and an idiot). This is such bull shit.


Well-Known Member
It smoked very light. I"m high for sure. I'm gonna go get a ciggerello and pack that bitch. Bet i'll get blazed then.


Active Member
Hahaha.......nuff said.
there is defiantly still some kind of cannaboids in the left over bud from an iso wash, ESPECIALLY if your doing it the right way and only doing small, short washes. Ive given my friends a few grams of iso washed bud when they dont have anything to smoke and they said they got high, they just werent stoned off there tits and they had to smoke almost all of it.


Active Member
What'd you do for the cops to be bothering you? I used to just sell the left over bud to some jits, have smoked it but that shits weak.


Well-Known Member
What'd you do for the cops to be bothering you? I used to just sell the left over bud to some jits, have smoked it but that shits weak.
Friend/acquaintance of a guy that knew about what I did. It was some bullshit. Mistakes were made, for sure.