smoking male plant


Active Member
Yes you will feel high its the same thing as smoking the female. just the male isnt as potent as the female and the male has a ton of seeds. Smoke the whole tree you wont be needing it.


Well-Known Member
ya seriously confused, lol hermies make seeds but thats after it makes pollen and pollinates itself....Do some more research before you smoke somthing that you dont even know what it is or does.

And the male does not pruduce hardly anything woth giving a shit about, Female= Flowers (buds, nugs, beautiful sticky icky) Males= Pollen Sacks Fuck it! make tea out of him or mow him with the lawn mower its not worth your time and lungs!


New Member
I killed mine the day I saw the balls. I have a definate female that had been flower for about 3 weeks and didn't want to take any chances.


Well-Known Member
again people-males can get you high( a slight buzz )
I don't disagree, but who wants to grow a male out long enough to produce trichromes on the leaves?

If it's your ONLY plant maybe.

I suggest buying some catnip at the pet store, it'll do a better job.

Or you could eat a couple teabags full of nutmeg, that'll really fuck you up.

There's plenty of ordinary things that'll get you higher than a immature male.


Well-Known Member
in highschool i put a chopped up codeine pill on a bowl of marijauna. I smoked that. I saw a movie where the guy snorts snow. LOL


Well-Known Member
Well after reading a lot of mixed things about males i chopped mine down 7week old lowryder2. And i quick dryed a few of the leaves hit the bong and nothing much wasn't worth the effort. So i left the rest to hang for 9 days till it was dry then tryed again. Was better than quick dryed and did get a slight high but it didn't last for long. So in my opinion you can get a slight high off the males, which i guess is better than nothing if you have nothing else to smoke. But i know for sure i wont be putting the effort into to keeping a male alive that long again unless i want to make some seeds.
Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
dude none of these guys know what there talking about, the males have very high levels of thc, and get you ripped out of your mind. Dont listen to these dushes, they just are probably jeoulous of your male crop.


you sure are a :fire::fire::fire: uic1...ya hear me...your a :fire:

male plants give me a fookin migraine.



Active Member
males do in fact produce THC. However, the levels are very small. too small to be worthwhile...

and another thing, if you have a male plant next to another plant, it doesnt change it's sex. if its next to a female plant, it will most likely cause the female to produce seeds which is not good because the less energy the plant has to use to produce anything other than THC will lower the THC content.
hey guys im new here but ive been growing in the aerogarden and its doing pretty well, i have 2plants and they have little leaves coming fromthe stem what is this, ill post pics later just seeing if anyone heard of this