smoking method? (double blunt wraps?)


Active Member
ok so everyone is familiar with the flavored blunt wraps. well today i believe that to blunts led me to waste my afgahi kush.

(SIDE NOTE: i usually smoke with a bong at home but outside home i need the best paper)

so when i smoked with the blunt wrap i coughed more and easily,faster, but when i smoke in the bong i don't cough at all. so i think it must be the cigar wrapper? and i think its pretty annonying now, and my question is , is there any paper that is better than these double blunt cigar wraps.?

i found this -->

is that paper better?
is that called joint/philly type thing when you use that type of paper?
is it better/worst than blunt wraps ?
which one gives better high?
which one burns your weed more quicker?



Active Member
Yeah thats a joint paper, its going to be way shorter then your blunt wraps and burn much quicker, I usually smoke blunts with swishers, just head down to a local gas station and ask for a swisher sweet, there's original which is fine or go for a wine or grape usually compliments the bud nicely, only problem with swishers is you have to break it apart but really to be safe you can easily do it with a knife. Your probably coughing more either because of yeah the tobacco in the wrap or a blunt just rips you some times because the smoke isn't filtered through water such with your bong


Active Member
damn is there anything else because i think thats dumb. i feel like if i'm smoking the cigar paper rather than the weed, thats how i feel when i smoked the last blunt, like it was an instant - cough, wtf. where in the bong i dont cough so it feels like i'm getting the pure smoke.


Active Member
Well I mean I think it would be worth trying other cigar papers/blunt wraps because you'll get use to smoking it out of a blunt it just may seem unpleasant at first, also coughing isn't anything to be worried about or anything cause some of the biggest and longest running stoners I know still cough here there, it happens, but I also understand if you don't like coughing cause it is rather unpleasant. Also blunts/joints are usually less effective then then any quality piece because it's constantly burning, I say if you want to get into blunts which is chill just go buy different wraps, search for a thread of favorite types of blunt wraps or something like that and it gives a good basis of what the different types are just look at the poll options and go buy one test it out, I mean worst case you do waste a little more bud, but the upside is getting to smoke some flavorful blunts, but its also just as chill to just stick with your bong if your more comfortable with it, then I'd suggest getting another piece maybe if you looking for variety, I love steamrollers personally but everyman to his own


New Member
There are lots of blunt wraps and cigars suitable for rolling up herb, if you like blunts. If you feel as if your bong is what you like stick with it. Blunts ruin the taste of good cannabis and make people cough.


"Garcia Vega Game" cigars and "Dutch Masters" are my method when doing a blunt. Any blunt out there is gonna taint the taste of the tree but I feel that those blunt wraps are way too artificial for my liking. Its a really thick paper with a really chemical taste. You have learn how to peel/split a dutch or game, but atleast you are getting a real tobacco leaf and a much thinner inner paper. The other benefit of the "real" style cigars like games/dutches is if you roll it too loose with the inner paper, you can tighten it up to a nice smoke when you wrap it up with the outer tobacco leaf. They burn like 20x longer than those blunt wraps and taste much more natural imho.


Well-Known Member
"Garcia Vega Game" cigars.
^This. In my days of hanging out with the rediculious "ghetto" crowd who think smoking nothing but blunts is cool, ive smoked quite a few blunts in my day. And in my opinion green games are hands down the best to use when rolling blunts. They seem to be the least harsh and best natural taste so they dont ruin the taste of the weed as much. And its a 100% true that they burn waaaayyy slower than those stupid chemical tasting wraps. I don't really smoke blunts anymore since i left "those" douches and i only do bong rips now, But green games are the only ones i will smoke if i break down and actually smoke a blunt with somebody.

So my $.02 is try a green game and i guarentee it will be a more pleasurable smoke. If you do actually try one let me know how it goes.


Active Member
so which paper will be the lighest, a swisha, dutch, white owl, or whatelse is there? which one of these will be lightest to smoke ?


Well-Known Member
if you just startin out on blunts then king edward (swisher) is the way to go. i dont fuck with wraps cause i usually end up tearin half that nasty shit off any way unless im gonna roll a fat FAT one. but the green vegas are the best.


Active Member
Cigarette papers: - Made from wood pulp and flax, and uses natural gum Arabic, they come in five sizes. One size is the size 1.0 (single wide). This size is often called "the white pack" because of its color.

They may burn quick if you have bone dry weed, I like how thin they are and you don't get a papery taste like you get with some thicker papers.
Try out a cyclone or tornado wrap man. They are prerolled cone shaped papers with little cruches in the bottom. They come in lots of flavors and burn for a long time and you can fit a few grams in them. I usually smoke blunts but I like to use those when I'm in a hurry cuz I don't have to go through the process of rolling a blunt