Smoking on vacation?


Active Member
So I'm taking a trip to Hawaii and I sure as hell ain't gonna try sneaking it onto the plane so I guess that leaves trying to find some once I'm there. I would just skip smoking and have a few drinks while I'm there but I can't drink and a completely sober vacation would blow.

So I was wondering how ya'll deal with smoking on vacation when you're flying. Hit up the resorts dishwasher? lol


Well-Known Member
Just go to the bars and sniff out people who look cool and start a conversation. Casually address the issue with leading questions like "Whats this states stance on medical marijuana?", etc. Worked for me in Vegas.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Be calm, cool, and collected. And stay in the touristy parts of Hawaii. Bud is easy to come by. Just ask a cool local where the liquor store is...then ask if he knows anything about pakalolo. It's hawaiian for herb...they'll know what you mean.


Active Member
buds is easy to get on hawaii, like others have said just sniff around. People are generally friendly, and very helpful


Well-Known Member
i went to waikiki a few years ago, and i couldnt not find weed there. everywhere u walk, theres people lookin like drug dealers askin if u want something