Smoking Weed Everyday?

Hey guys, it's been a while.

I've been smoking nearly every day for about 2 years now, and it has me wondering what will happen to my brain. Are there benefits, or will it destroy my capacity to memorize things?

Here's my side of the marijuana smoking coin. After two years of smoking and psychedelics which I believe can both have similar effects, my outlook on reality has changed completely. Marijuana and LSD both inspired me to meditate regularly, and I feel compelled to analyze the science behind things all the time now. It may sound strange, but the universe is starting to seem much more mysterious. I laugh to myself in public like a weirdo when I imagine the complex systems at work in every day life, and I'm overwhelmed with a sense of beauty.

Other than the changed thoughts within my own head, I feel like smoking is going to sneak up on my health in my later years. Can anyone confirm a significant health threat?

If so, what course of action do you recommend? What effects have you noticed in your life?


Well-Known Member
If you're worried about your physical health, then why not vaporize? As per mental health, I can not say. However, from what you have said, it seems to be producing positive results thus far...


Well-Known Member

How many fingers do you see?

Your answer will be graded.

PM me for the correct answer.

smoking is the least of life's worries.


Active Member
its how YOU feel about yourself that matters

are you happy?
are you satisfied?
are you not remembering things you need to know?
are you achieving your goals?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
ive been smoking every day for over 30 years and i turned out fine. well ok. well i am getting the help i need alright already!