Snails Are Attacking! Best Methods To Combat These Evil Buggers?


Well-Known Member
jeeze man, you sure did have a prob, a great time to poison for slugs and snails is when it starts to wartm up a bit like a few weeks before spring, this way you catch the pregnat adults, meaning less to kill of later in the year


Well-Known Member
last time i rode a quad is when i rented some a few years back, i would love to go again and rent one but they wont rent to me cuz i havea revoked silence so they wont let me drive one. i need to just get my own, im more of a dirt bike guy to but they are both fun.
ive always wanted to drive a sandrail at the beach as well


Well-Known Member
well, ive tried almost every thing for slugs. and i have to give it up to slug and snail bait. this shit works great, i didnt even use it near my garden cuz i have dogs and it is a chem so i used around the other parts of the house and front yard and have not seen any slugs in my garden for ever now, they are how ever dyig off in the bait. i dont like to use it but it works great, next year i will catch them before they breed with organic methods.
I am worried about my dog, too. But you just put it somewhere relatively close? I was going to use salt, it works great to kill snails and slugs, but I thought it might harm my plants. Little buggers just start to foam up us soon as it touches them. Evil, I know. But they even make their way into my house. I might try the beer thing, too.


Well-Known Member
i place a cup of it in my beds ( inside a cup) and bury it to the rim of the cup, i only do this after i let my dog out for the last time at night and then pick it up in the morning before he goes out, i also put it out on the outside of my fence near my garden so its not in my yard but close, then i also placed some every where i know my dogs cant get to around the house and my garden has been slug free for awhile now, i havent even needed to re bait. before though i was like you id go out and pour salt on them, it is a pain though as they come out around 9-10 pm here as we have long hot days now, so i would have to saty up just to go kill 20-30 slugs in about 30 minutes, to much of a hassle for me, specaily when you get up at 4 am.
i hope you get them sorted out


I like the cup idea. Seems like it would stop the stuff from leeching into the soil. I'm gonna try that in case they get through my fence. I got the perfect spot! Thx for the idea buddy!


Well-Known Member
haha you dont have to be cool man.

click on My rollitup and then on the left hand side of the page mid page there will be a edit my avatar section, click it and then enter the pic url or copy past


haha you dont have to be cool man.

click on My rollitup and then on the left hand side of the page mid page there will be a edit my avatar section, click it and then enter the pic url or copy past
Can't believe I didn't see that, I looked all over on the my profile section but then gave up. Thx.


Well-Known Member
i place a cup of it in my beds ( inside a cup) and bury it to the rim of the cup, i only do this after i let my dog out for the last time at night and then pick it up in the morning before he goes out, i also put it out on the outside of my fence near my garden so its not in my yard but close, then i also placed some every where i know my dogs cant get to around the house and my garden has been slug free for awhile now, i havent even needed to re bait. before though i was like you id go out and pour salt on them, it is a pain though as they come out around 9-10 pm here as we have long hot days now, so i would have to saty up just to go kill 20-30 slugs in about 30 minutes, to much of a hassle for me, specaily when you get up at 4 am.
i hope you get them sorted out
Thanks. I am going to have to get some snail bait. They are everywhere. I also have some diatomacious (sp?) earth I wanted to try.


Well-Known Member
I just found this info while looking into how to care for my hosta:

Iron phosphate is a particularly lethal compound for slugs (but they love to eat it) that is totally non-toxic to pets, children or adults. It is a naturally occurring compound in soils.

Not sure where to get it, but going to look further into it.


The lone cucumber survivor of the snail battle. Have been snail free since I layed the bait down. Had to buy starts at the store to take the fallens place. Found this guy on one of my berry bushes, hope he is eating bad stuff and not leaves.


Well-Known Member
glad to hear you are winning the snail battle.
and the bug looks like a mosquito eater and they are good and eat other bugs


Well-Known Member
I walked out in my backyard the other night and as I stepped down onto the patio I felt a big ooozy squish. eeewww. It was a slug. Of course it just made him goo, didn't hurt it. So I thought, "what a perfect time to test out my DE!" Got a big pinch, flicked it on him and waited. Didn't take long. He died, just kind of dried up (this took a little while). I felt vindicated and enjoyed the rest of my wine.


Well-Known Member
glad to hear you are winning the snail battle.
and the bug looks like a mosquito eater and they are good and eat other bugs
I have always known them to be called mosquito hawks. Funny though, I've never actually seen them eat a mosquito. lol


Well-Known Member
they have mamy names, it really just depends on where your from and what you were taught about them, none of the names are wrong though.

and ive never really took the time to follow one untill it catches one of those tiny bastereds. i have seen them land near a spider web that had a recently caught prey that was still alive and the mosquito eater started to attack it, i oculdnt tell if it was eating it though


Active Member
Neem oil protects all my veggies. You can get it at the grow shop. Spray your plants every seven days in the early evening.