snapped my seedling


Active Member
Got a question. I have my seedling outside in a pot. It rained and I guess that there was something on the roof that stopped water flow; it disslodged itself and my 4 day old seedling snapped at the bottom. It was slumped over but it is still showing signs of life. This happened 3 days ago so it's a week old now and the seedling is still strong on the top but it's super thin where it bent. Is there a possibility that it can heal itself? I put more dirt around the stem to hold it upright and it's not slouching but it did look painful to the plant.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
If the skin of the stem didn't break it'll heal just fine. It may however grow croocked, in which case you can use LST or supercropping.


Active Member
i'm not super experienced but it sounds like it will be fine. you could support it using a stake until the bend strengthens.

good luck!
If the skin of the stem didn't break it'll heal just fine. It may however grow croocked, in which case you can use LST or supercropping.
Thanks guys. I'm glad to see that there's some hope for her... I planted like 100 seeds in the same pot and just noticed that most of them are germinating under the thin layer of dirt still. What am I to do?! Oh well, if it dont make it I can always wait 2 or 3 more weeks to pick the ones I want.


Well-Known Member
start setting up an indoor grow op soon man. you dont have time to flower those outside

sounds like the seedling got supercropped by nature


Active Member
start setting up an indoor grow op soon man. you dont have time to flower those outside

sounds like the seedling got supercropped by nature
Already have my setup. I have 20 100W CFL and a 4 foot twin tube t12 40W setup with a couple of 5600K bulbs and a couple of 2700K bulbs I can switch out.


Active Member
sounds good.

whats next?
I'm gonna wait untill I see the rest of the seeds break ground and then I'm going to place under 20/4. Pay attention to growth rate and pick 7 to 10 plant of various sizes to ensure I get at least 1 female, thats all I really want it 1 but if I'm blessed with more then I'll be lucky... I'm going to have to enduce early sex to weed them out.