Snorting crystals


Well-Known Member
Last night while me and a freind was blazing a spliff we was talking about the crystals you get off bud, and we both wanted to know if you say snorted a line of crystals would you get high?

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Got one of my friends to do this once. Of course we were already so fried any effect it may have had would be negligible. Was a good laugh though.


Well-Known Member
thats fucking retarded.

while you at it, try injecting em.
He didn't say they plan to try it, just that they got curious about it while high. I admit, although it wouldn't occur to me to try it, I would be interested in the answer. Having said that, I believe POW when he says the answer is no.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt think it would effect you any since thc is not orally active at such small levels. I think he would have to snort a few lines of trichs before feeling anything. Just my opinion, and I could be wrong...


Well-Known Member
hahahahah, I seen someone do this at a party actually... It 1000% does NOT work.... and the kid literally could not stop fucking sneezing for like over an hour... Don't sniff crystals.
smoke them


Well-Known Member
hahahahah, I seen someone do this at a party actually... It 1000% does NOT work.... and the kid literally could not stop fucking sneezing for like over an hour... Don't sniff crystals.
smoke them
ha nice to know but yeah ofc im gunna smoke them


Well-Known Member
lol I am ashamed to say I've have done this, well I was tricked into doing when I was really baked.. it didn't get me high, and I've never had such a bad sneezing fit in my life