So 2012...seriously?


New Member
Okay...unless you live under a rock it's impossible not to know of all the people who are convinced that the world is going to end or change in 2012...more specificly Dec 21st due to the mayan long count thingy and a nunch of other things including the "time wave" theory thing....soooo what you guys think? Enjoy the next year and half or so while it lasts...or this is fucking retarded?


I'll share my personal opinion in a bit...wanna get other thoughts on this:wall:


Well-Known Member
i randomly picked this from the internet.

7 Dates the World Was Supposed to End…But Didn’t (Or Won’t)
Posted by Robert Klimowicz on Jan 07, 2010 | 4 Comments | 4,220 views

The idea of the world as we know it coming to an end has been around for thousands of years. The Bible, Nostradamus, past and present civilizations, and Hollywood directors have all had their own versions of how the world will end. Most versions have the world ending in horrific disasters like giant tsunamis, worldwide pandemic, and nuclear warfare. Did you already survive the world ending though? Well read on to find out 7 dates that the world was supposed to end on, but didn’t (including a few dates for the future).

1.) January 1, 1000 A.D.
The months leading up to the new millennium were tumultuous. Many pilgrims, knights, and others made a trip to Jerusalem, thinking that the Apocalypse and Armageddon was upon them. During their trip there, many died of disease and hunger. Some pilgrims even sold all their belongings in the hope that it would help them become one of the chosen few to ascend. Needless to say, the world was relatively safe when the calendar rolled over and many pilgrims were left homeless.

2.) Many dates in 1843 and 1844
There was this preacher named William Miller. He studied the Bible extensively and after doing some calculations, he became convinced that the world was going to end sometime in 1843. He double checked his answers for 4 years and then in 1822 went public in a document with his declaration. He said the world would end between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844. When nothing happened, he pushed the date back to April 18, 1844. Another man within this movement, now known as Millerism, predicted the final doomsday date of October 22, 1844. When nothing happened (again), it became known as “The Great Disappointment.” The Millerism movement weakened after that and the thousands of followers were left confused and in disbelief.

3.) March 10, 1982
What’s so special about March 10, 1982? Well on that day, the planets were all on the same side of the sun. While the planets were not exactly in a straight line, many people saw this event as a sign of the end times. The “Jupiter Effect” was supposed to wreak havoc over tidal forces, cause earthquakes and hurricanes, and almost every other natural disaster you can imagine. Well, we’re still here.

4.) January 1, 2000
The infamous Y2K situation. Futurists had visions of toasters attacking their owners with weaponized toast and lawn mowers chasing after gardeners. Governments around the world feared that computers and electronic systems would read the digits “00″ as 1900, instead of 2000. There is no doubt that at least a few of the people who showed up in Times Square in New York that night were expecting to go out in a blaze of glory. Much to their dismay, the Y2K situation passed relatively harmlessly.

5.) June 6, 2006
If you write that date in short form, it comes out 6/6/06. As you may know, the number ’666′ is referred to as the sign of the devil. Religious sects were informing everyone they could that the Antichrist was returning to Earth and that people should prepare themselves. Either the Antichrist never came, or he got stuck in traffic because Earth still stands.

6.) December 21/23, 2012
This is quite possibly the most famous date for the end of the world. The date was “predicted” by the Mayans as the last date on their Long Count calendar. Other events are schedule to occur in 2012, causing more hype. One event includes the sun reaching a solar maximum (it might happen in early 2013). When it does that, the magnetic poles of the Earth supposedly might reverse, causing unimaginable damage. There is also a theory that a giant solar flare will incinerate the planet and if that wasn’t enough, supervolcanoes will erupt and completely block out the sun for whatever life is left on the Earth.

7.) The year 3797
Nostradamus is seen as a “prophet” by many. His books of quatrains that are supposedly about future events are well known and documented. However, Nostradamus’s prophecies stop abruptly at the year 3797. A sign of the end of the world? We will see. If it happens, please let me know so this article can be updated.

oh and here is more

the world is always bloody ending and there always a man on a corner somewhere,sporting a big beard and a sign that say.

repent! for the end is near!

(well at least in the movies, but i really forget just how many end of the world time ive heard and ive lived through at least 3 (that i knew of)

i think people just like to be scared and absolutely love the idea that the world is ending, cause the world sucks (or their job or and sexlife apparantly)


Well-Known Member
Well I have my spaceship just about done....with the help of grey men.............Ill gather my family up in aobut Nov 2012 and head out using worm holes and black holes as sling shots and move in with SOEHIO*IY(BH and his family........ya get used to the two mouths and third eye afterr awhile................this is as true as Obamas promises when trying to get elected.


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting for the fucking Zombies, till that day I just get high.:eyesmoke:
Fuck ya! I bet you already have a stronghold picked out and a survival plan and what weapons you'll bring and where you'll get the weapons you don't already have! .... or maybe that's just me


Well-Known Member
yea the earth has been pretty stable for like 5billion years, i cant see something natural causing an end to world we know....unless yellowstone erupts


Active Member
were all gonna die....haha jk even if something does happen ill be like the crazy guy on the cliff of the movie 2012 but instead of radio casting whats happenin id b sitting there with the biggest fattest blunt known to man passin it around a small circle of friends :)


Well-Known Member
Oh you're talking about earth natrual I get it, my mistake
yea i just dont see how the plants will line up and create a black hole yadayadayada...maybe a solar flare will rip our electromagnetic field to shit but even that
