So can cops trace where you live from this website???


Well-Known Member
If you are concerned use a proxy server, or a few. lots of servers are just left on waiting for you to use them as proxies.


Well-Known Member
To say that they're going to get people on this forum when there are hundreds of different ones are slim. You have a better chance of winning the lottery.

Paranoia is a dangerous thing!


Sector 5 Moderator
I just read last night that 45% of Americans smoke pot. The cops are probably thinking "so many potheads, so little time" LOL.


New Member
If they can catch pedo's online they can catch weed growers, never think the police are stupid, as ive said before a legal seed company in the uk got busted not for seeds but for selling weed also yipp stupid daft mistake but none the less they were doing it, the 1st thing to be taken out the property was the pc (not the weed) they then went on to do busts all over the uk who had yipp ordered seeds to the same address they were growing in, and thats an even bigger mistake, i grow for the love of the herb always have done always will do if i have to go to prison (again) then so be it, i go in for the nurishment not the punishment, trouble is copper did i grow 6 plants or only 5, do you feel lucky well do ya punk.


New Member
No thats right, you wont see small raids on the news, they do however happen. The police wont know how many plants are in your house until they raid. The size of the bust will determine whether or not it makes the local rag news paper or the national news syndicates.
yipp totaly spot on....


New Member
I did like the photo etc with the plant but it does not PROVE one thing, (the same person that took the photo might not be the same person growing cannabis). i was done years ago for a foot print left at the scene of a crime (the only thing they had on me)when we went to court they had my shoes etc and it fitted perfect to the foot print however my lawyer got me off by very quickly bringing up (this foot print does match the exact shoe but however the (photo) of the foot print could have been taken anywhere, case closed, the morral of the story unless you have photos of you standing in your very own house by your very own plants photos dont mean shit. FACT


Well-Known Member
they have everything they just dont give a fuck about one lighters and 400s or cfls they want whales production growers dumb asses that post pics of lots and lots of lights, they let you post your little one lighter to make the bigger ones feel more comfortable and posting their grow journal of 10 lights and then bingo bango thats a person of interest for most of you with a 1 lighter they prob say mmmmmm nice nugs
Hmmmz i got 20 cfl's im done ha ha ha


Active Member
Appologies, I havn't read the whole thread, but I'm sure that if the authorities want you they will get you no matter what you, I/we hide behind.

One of the first things I read when I got a little interested in growing for personel use was, Not to tell anyone, but for some reason, I and you have just told the world what your upto, so, we could get busted at any time and to be honest I'm shitting myself with worry every day, every un-usual car door slamming outside, noises in the garden at night every time the door bell rings or a policeman drives up the road. Perhaps the smoke makes me a tad paranoid, eitherway, I worry so much about getting caught this is my last grow but I'm going to fucking enjoy a good quality home grown bit of weed that will make me glow, and just hope that I get away with it.

So, the question I ask myself now, what to grow instead.
Chillies for food and flowers for my girl, awwww.. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I did like the photo etc with the plant but it does not PROVE one thing, (the same person that took the photo might not be the same person growing cannabis). i was done years ago for a foot print left at the scene of a crime (the only thing they had on me)when we went to court they had my shoes etc and it fitted perfect to the foot print however my lawyer got me off by very quickly bringing up (this foot print does match the exact shoe but however the (photo) of the foot print could have been taken anywhere, case closed, the morral of the story unless you have photos of you standing in your very own house by your very own plants photos dont mean shit. FACT
Yep it doesnt mean shit, on its own. But nevertheless exif data from images has been used in police affidavits along with a string of other 'dont mean shit' circumstancial crap to convince judges to issue both search warrants and interception warrants. To generate the conditions to merit a warrant its not a matter of, 'we found his fingerprints at the scene therefore its him'.

As mentioned earlier, its not just the one thing they use to manufacture the grounds for warrants, they use multiple bits of assumptions, biassed interpretations or survellience photos, narrow interpretations of cell txt data, some of it falsefied, the rest just completely partisan and exaggerated. In the end it is often enough to convince a judge to allow the warrants. In the end they are rarely held accountable to whether or not there were grounds for the warrants in the first place, this is why they can do it this way and get away with it.


Well-Known Member
you know what, if the cops have nothing else to do than bust people for having their windows tinted too dark(got a ticket today)or growing weed, then you know what, COME AND FUCKING GET ME! I am so tired of weed being illegal i dont give a shit no more. Maybe just to do it i will drop college and become a dirty cop.

you cops can kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
What get me through the day and not worrying about being busted is that you never hear of cops busting down doors for someone growing 10 or so plants. I never hear of a personal grow op bust...usually if a small grow op get busted then they are doing stupid shit like cooking meth or something.

Nobody is going to take the time and look up who we all are because we would all like to think that cops have better shit to do than go through RIU's records, because the evidence they could get is circumstantial at best...and well doesn't really turn out that good for them.

So to everyone keep growing...and keep quiet...and relax and enjoy your stuff!!:mrgreen::joint:


Well-Known Member in USA or is in Chilie

In internet explorer go to tools, to internet options, then open the connections tab, go to the bottom button Lan options .........Look it up.


New Member
your all on a list bwahaaahahha specially those who use their own internet under their names, own the house or rent it under their name dont buy shit with credit cards dont post pics of your grow op stating this is my grow up in my house hahahahaha or say fuck the cops lol cause you never know whos listening b silent or b silenced


New Member
they can watch you from your own computer if you have a webcam...
That is the fucking stupidest thing I have ever heard. Not even the BEST HACKERS can gain remote access to your desktop and open on your camera software turning the camera on.

As far as them tracing IP's...this is a very innacurate practice. They can get within a .1 mile radius and that's probably it.

But why would it matter anyway, all these photos are stolen from other people who post on the internet, and we role play about growing...DUH!


New Member
bwahahahhaah wrong ive seen and heard people getting msn and camera hacked and my buddies site got so fucking hacked got ips adresses the works. The feds ahve even better shit, they can do trace routes and go straight to your desktop or laptop and go thru pics ur trash can get pics of you and your loved ones bwahahahha so fuckign easy for them.