So close with the parents


Active Member
I've just been trying for ages now to convince my parents of the joys and benefits or marijuana. My mom is a possible M.S. patient (I say possibly because people who know the disease would know its many complications in diagnoses) and my dad suffers from bad arthritis from years of work. They're great people, and always abide by the law.

Which is exactly why they disapprove of marijuana so much. I, being raised in a different generation, don't relate to the fear and hate that was put-upon the generations before me. I understand that they were preached to about marijuana harmful effects on the body, and the crime related to it. And even with all this new, solid evidence pointing to the contrary, I can't persuade them over the simple obstacle of "It's illegal."

It is more aggravating than I can explain in words, and I try. It makes things awkward but I bring it up, time and time again, because I want to see the both of them enjoy their lives that they've worked so hard for. And I know that marijuana would allow them to do that, on a completely new spectrum.

ahhhh.... (hits joint) Just felt like sharing that with everyone on Rollitup


Active Member
hey man dont give up my parents were hard on this subject too so i kept bringing it up casually in a light mood at first they were a little surprised and unsure and now my mom can be a spokesperson for cannabis lol... my dad doesnt like to feel intoxicated in any way but he gets the politics around so he doesnt care... its just a matter of time until it will all be legal and nice so just hold tight imo :) good luck

Schar BK

Use the power of this website dude maybe browse around in the Medical subsections and talk to other people with the same issues and show these real life examples. There are tons of people here that will back you up. Let them know that you dont have to smoke up either, i have eaten some real killer brownie's and cookies. Your parents sound a lot like mine, bring them the facts and info and just keep at it.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
I've just been trying for ages now to convince my parents of the joys and benefits or marijuana. My mom is a possible M.S. patient (I say possibly because people who know the disease would know its many complications in diagnoses) and my dad suffers from bad arthritis from years of work. They're great people, and always abide by the law.

Which is exactly why they disapprove of marijuana so much. I, being raised in a different generation, don't relate to the fear and hate that was put-upon the generations before me. I understand that they were preached to about marijuana harmful effects on the body, and the crime related to it. And even with all this new, solid evidence pointing to the contrary, I can't persuade them over the simple obstacle of "It's illegal."

It is more aggravating than I can explain in words, and I try. It makes things awkward but I bring it up, time and time again, because I want to see the both of them enjoy their lives that they've worked so hard for. And I know that marijuana would allow them to do that, on a completely new spectrum.

ahhhh.... (hits joint) Just felt like sharing that with everyone on Rollitup
Shit yeah that is tough......Bottom line just like anything else in life, people gotta make up their own mind. Especially the older generation.....My Grandfather thinks that I'm going to hell because I don't believe in god.....Never will change his mind.....My Dr. thinks that MJ makes you stupid......Never will change his mind either.......COPS that bust down doors and shoot people think they were upholding the law.....Never going to change their minds either........Be happy you are one of the lucky enlightened folks who can still have your mind changed when presented with a better argument.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
When they are gone....sneak in and set up a grow op in the basement. Then they will threaten to call the cops....tell em to do it...because they can't prove you set it up and its in their basement.....then tell em since they are manufacturing they should hit the joint you'll have behind your back. Boom. You win.


Well-Known Member
My parents are the same (not illness wise) sucks really, my mum accepts i smoke, and theres nothing she can do, on the other hand my dad doesnt even know, hes caught me a few times when i was younger ( abotu a year ago) and he thinks i stopped lol, but someone people are just stobborn, my dad for example, even if hes completely wrong he wont say sorry.


Well-Known Member
maybe ask them why they think it is harmful, then show them that the facts are the opposite of what they think.
show them it only increases crime because it is illegal

ive been smoking medically for 2+ years. my grandfather still thinks it makes me lazy. he fails to realize ive been this lazy my entire life, even before smoking pot. my cousin also smokes medically every single day, with better quality nugs than i do. he is a full time student in college and works his ass off 5 days a week. he is studying genetics/biology.
even with all this, he still thinks its the weed that makes me lazy. he still tells me to stop smoking, and find a pill that will help me(even though i used to eat xanax like candy). some people just dont get it hahaha


Well-Known Member
Leave them a joint and tell them it's their decision. The curiosity will maybe win out over the pain. Just be there for them. Maybe offer edibles?