So High I'm Hallucinating


Active Member
I have chronic insomnia, the medibles really help sedate my limbs to the point I can't even move, if I happen to have a thought to move :) Indica's are my medicine and sativa's are my psychedelic recreation.

For me, its the really dank sativa's that tend to send my mind on an actual "trip", especially in excess. First time I ate brownies I learned fast why they classify our beloved herb as a Hallucinogenic :) Very strong visuals, color changes, and wall melting kind of trip. Over the years its kinda come to the sativa's I have yet to smoke that are dank, that get me to have a deep in da mind psychedelic trip, or just go foolish with some uber sativa dank like Jack The Ripper. JTR prob best hallucinations I've ever had with the super sativa's :)