so i know someone on here has to have used metadate and or adderall at some point..

my question is, do they give you that same feeling? i need one that doesnt make me tired and ive heard of ones such as concerta making people drowsy rather than speedy like adderall is.


Well-Known Member
metadate=Ritalin, goes to brain cells and stops them from taking up dopamine and norepinephrine, which are chemicals associated with focus, motivation and pleasure. That increases the amount of them in the general space between cells (no uptake so its constantly in ur synapses)

Adderall does the exact same thing. It also however goes inside cells and make them pump out dopamine. this may explain its slightly higher strength. But it may make it cause the build up of free radicals=sick feeling.

Both are almost the same(basically amphetamines besides a couple functional groups) , both will pep u up give u focus. both may also give u dizziness, nausea, heartburn/fluttering. LIke all drug after they run their course ur body fights back, bc ur levels were so high be4 (dopamine) your body counteracts by shutting off its synapses (area for dop release) so now u experience a lower level of dopamine then normal functioning life, which accounts for you down feeling/drowsy. be safe i know kids who cant do any work w/o these now bc of the abuse, they can be highly addictive
my neighbor kid used to give me adderrall in high school and i took 2 of the super strong orange ones the first time and i used to pop the blue and white ones whenever.
all's the do to me is make me clench my jaw and grit my teeth and focus really good. but i jiggle my leg when i sit down and i cant sit still. and they make you stay awake and you wont get hungry.
its basically a mega caffine most people.

its a lame drug though. do it just so you can try it, but dont go crazy over it.
have fun :P :eyesmoke:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
it is Methylphenidate...

Secondly, Methylphenidate may be structurally similar to Amphetamine, but pharmacologically isn't it closer to cocaine?


Well-Known Member
I got adhd and I took adderall for like 11 years through school. Anyway I've taken it with mushrooms before and I highly recomend it. It was one of those trips where I was figuring out every mystery of life. I triped twice that same day doing the same combination and I was amazed.

Normally though now I hate adderall. It allways made me feel like a piece of shit. I used to snort them every day and pop like 3-4 of the 20mg XR's. Now I just blaze and drink and I'm cool with it. Bassically unless I take mushrooms again (which I will) I'm not taking adderall again.

I really don't know why I was talking about any of this but I'm fucking stoned so fuck it man.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I don't know that I would recommend a stimulant with psychedelics.. I think you would be amplifying the potential for anxiety and unwanted thoughts/feelings.


Well-Known Member
I don't know that I would recommend a stimulant with psychedelics.. I think you would be amplifying the potential for anxiety and unwanted thoughts/feelings.
Actually your right I wouldn't recomend it to normal people but if you got extream adhd/add and the adderall slows you down and do everything percisly when your on it then it is a mind blowing trip.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Actually your right I wouldn't recomend it to normal people but if you got extream adhd/add and the adderall slows you down and do everything percisly when your on it then it is a mind blowing trip.
This makes sense, it would calm one with add/adhd down to the point of relaxation where they can enter deeper portions of the mind :-)