So I'm Fried Yesterday And Was Thinking.


Well-Known Member
Originally popular in Hamburg, Germany, apparently.

What about this one.

Why is it that in England the Royal Mail delivers the post, whereas in the US the US Post Office delivers the mail?


Well-Known Member
why is the sky blue? who came up with the word blue, why cant the sky be called green or anyother colour and why does the word blue mean so many different things like, out of the blue, it vanished out of the blue? why is blue such a popular word?

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Why does my mate go on and on about the environment/global warming to me telling me I use too much electricity and all that shit - when he drives a car and I don't? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
the sky is blue because of something called rayleigh effect, because our atmosphere is comprised of gas, (nitrogen mostly) when the light from the sun reaches it, the shorter wave length (cooler ends of the color spectrum.) are absorbed and refracted by the many molecules of gasses in the air, the color absorbed is the same color reflected, so when you look straight at the sun, you see white light, (which is really composed of every color) and when you look at the sky, you see the light reflected by our atmosphere. because the atmosphere is composed of primarily nitrogen, it reflects blue, oxygen i think is green, or greenish blue and carbon dioxide is red. when the sun sets, the light from the sun encounters even more gas molecules, going from bright white to yellow to orange to red, so when the sky looks red. it's because the longer wavelenth oranges and reds and warmer colors are now also being absorbed by the various gases in our atmosphere.
why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets
Why do they use sterilized needles for death by lethal injection?
why do they have braille dots on drive up atm's
if you spin an oriental man does he become disoriented !!!


Well-Known Member
why is the sky blue? who came up with the word blue, why cant the sky be called green or anyother colour and why does the word blue mean so many different things like, out of the blue, it vanished out of the blue? why is blue such a popular word?

your my boy blue!