so my tempatures have been rising lately


and my leave tips are a little damaged and the new leafs arent coming out since it's cooler now does anyone know if my plant could come back from a slight heatwave


Well-Known Member
How hot was it? It takes a pretty serious heatwave to cause damage. Mine went through a week of 105*, and it didn't hurt them one bit. Sounds like possible fert burn.


Active Member
yea that doesn't really sound like heat ... heat will make your plant droop badly sounds more like a nute deficiancy because your plants not producing anymore because of lack of nuts idk ? good luck


Active Member
Pics would help but as above posters said, most likely wasn't heat related unless they got some crazy temps non-stop. It's a weed, hot temps don't usually mess with it unless you combine that with no air circulation also, then you'll have issues for sure.


Well-Known Member
It could be temps guys, you all must be lucky and have some strains that are very heat resistant, I had this problem yesterday when my fan got unplugged, it only was at 99f when i caught it but the leaves were still slightly burned at the tips.
The plant will be perfectly fine, my plants are. I think the slowdown of growth is heat related also, if it gets real hot outside and i cant keep the temps under like 90f in my grow room the plants growth rate drops after a day or so of high temps. This is just in my experience, Im not saying those guys are wrong or anything.


Well-Known Member
It could be temps guys, you all must be lucky and have some strains that are very heat resistant, I had this problem yesterday when my fan got unplugged, it only was at 99f when i caught it but the leaves were still slightly burned at the tips.
The plant will be perfectly fine, my plants are. I think the slowdown of growth is heat related also, if it gets real hot outside and i cant keep the temps under like 90f in my grow room the plants growth rate drops after a day or so of high temps. This is just in my experience, Im not saying those guys are wrong or anything.
If the temps are in the 90s and you dont have a fan on them theyre going to burn

Cannabis patient420

Active Member
u need a fan im new at grow check out my clones and my temptures is nice they are happy... u want your tempture round 60 65 or 70 not 90 that too high that's why your leaves are bruned

p.s don't over water them

and don't move them round leave them alone and grow better .... peace