So saliva is awesome


Well-Known Member
tried 10x for my pretty much my first time. i've tried 5x before, but i used a bic lighter and it didn't do shit.

anyway it was sweet! kinda reminded me of peaking on shrooms. only could take 1 bong rip till it hit me. totally forgot i smoked it and was confused about where i was haha. i watched a visualization on the computer, and holy hell... it was amazing. the spinning image moved around me like i was inside it.
was quite pleasant besides the confusion and sweating. :blsmoke:

my advice for people who want to try saliva: do it naked! :mrgreen:


Active Member
Man, glad you enjoyed it. I can't do it man. That shit is just too weird for me. And I've done some weird crap in my day (DMT, Peyote, Ergot, AMT, 2CB). It was just way too overwhelming and uncontrollable of an experience.
Good for you tho bro. Be safe.


Well-Known Member
I liked it a lot. I've done it 4 times and each time I was fine. I was always with someone I trusted with a good "set and setting". (wiki it if you don't know what set and setting is). I felt like I was in another place, but it's funny, you feel happy to be back when you are done, lol. LOTS OF PEOPLE GET A TERRIFIED FEELING OF IMPENDING DOOM - I MEAN IT'S TRUE HORROR FOR THEM, LIKE THEY ARE GOING TO DIE!! I would start with small doses if you are nervous about taking it so you can see the mild effects then work your way up. I was really drunk and mildly stoned one time and they told me I was out for 30 minutes!!! That is unheard of with salvia. On wiki it said rats were given a choice of salvia and cocaine and they chose the salvia. Any other experiences?


Well-Known Member
yea tried 10x once outside, definetly not something to do in sunlight, everyone i've talked to so far has agreed sunlight and salvia sucks. i like the quid method better than smoking it but takes a lot more.

basicly take a bunch of straight (non enhanced)leaves get them wet and roll them into a ball(25-40 leaves) and basicly bite it and stick it under your tung give it a few and chew it again and stick it back, atleast for me its a lot more controlable, you go up slower and usually don't end up with that wtf just happened feeling. i also don't get that everythings going to end feeling taking it that way.

best of luck and be careful with it.


Well-Known Member
I heard the salvia trip is a lot similar to a DMT trip, is this true?

I've been pretty anxious to try DMT but my experiment failed and it's pretty difficult to find it.

But anyway, I can see why salvia might freak people out. I did forget I smoked it but I was just hella confused about what was going on, not scared.

and i just realized i wrote saliva, not salvia, for the title haha :-?

smoke two joints

Well-Known Member
i have never tried salvia before but id love to, but u unfortunatley i dont know where to get hold of some,... any suggestions?

thanks =]


Well-Known Member
I heard the salvia trip is a lot similar to a DMT trip, is this true?

I've been pretty anxious to try DMT but my experiment failed and it's pretty difficult to find it.

But anyway, I can see why salvia might freak people out. I did forget I smoked it but I was just hella confused about what was going on, not scared.

and i just realized i wrote saliva, not salvia, for the title haha :-?
:mrgreen:DMT in my opinion is much better then Salvia. Salvia is much like pure confusion, as to where DMT is like pure understanding(until it wears off and you wish you could have wrote everything down and took some pictures). The body buzz is also pleasantly warm.:peace:

Also, I have noticed that a NONSTANDARDIZED salvia extract makes you feel like you are burning up inside. With a STANDARDIZED salvia extract I never sweat.:confused:


Well-Known Member
i have never tried salvia before but id love to, but u unfortunatley i dont know where to get hold of some,... any suggestions?

thanks =]
It's sold in smoke shops as incense, but it's slowly becoming illegal. I think some states already made it illegal?

:mrgreen:DMT in my opinion is much better then Salvia. Salvia is much like pure confusion, as to where DMT is like pure understanding(until it wears off and you wish you could have wrote everything down and took some pictures). The body buzz is also pleasantly warm.:peace:

Also, I have noticed that a NONSTANDARDIZED salvia extract makes you feel like you are burning up inside. With a STANDARDIZED salvia extract I never sweat.:confused:
I guess I still have to embark on the DMT adventure then :mrgreen:

I was watching those random vids of people doing salvia on youtube, and most of them were of fairly attractive, or just fuckin hott chicks trippin out.
I figured the ladies would be terrified of the salvia trip :?


Well-Known Member
It's sold in smoke shops as incense, but it's slowly becoming illegal. I think some states already made it illegal?

I guess I still have to embark on the DMT adventure then :mrgreen:

I was watching those random vids of people doing salvia on youtube, and most of them were of fairly attractive, or just fuckin hott chicks trippin out.
I figured the ladies would be terrified of the salvia trip :?
I've noticed that females can handle Salvia a little better then most males.

Do you mind me asking what you tried to extract DMT from? I would recomend using Mimosa hostilis root bark next time, you will almost never fail with it.

Salvia doesn't feel anything like DMT!:peace:

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
I love salvia, it's always fun for me. It seems that most people have bad reactions though. I try to keep out of hot weather, and never do it in a car. Even if someone else is driving, it was fun but I was sweating like mad, wanted to move around, and my fucking friend who was driving was driving in circles, when I said, "Tim, why do we keep driving past that same field" he was like "what do you mean? I keep going different places"......I tweaked the fuck out. I was going mad until I proved to him that we were going in circles. He was baked, I was retarded and somehow knew where we were


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that females can handle Salvia a little better then most males.

Do you mind me asking what you tried to extract DMT from? I would recomend using Mimosa hostilis root bark next time, you will almost never fail with it.

Salvia doesn't feel anything like DMT!:peace:
I tried extracting from phalaris which I knew wasn't gonna go so well in the first place :? it's suppose to have a very low amount of DMT in it or something.

It looks like there are bunches of Mimosa all over the place here in AZ, the tree look the same and everything, but I'm not completely sure if they are actually Mimosa hostilis


Well-Known Member
I tried extracting from phalaris which I knew wasn't gonna go so well in the first place :? it's suppose to have a very low amount of DMT in it or something.

It looks like there are bunches of Mimosa all over the place here in AZ, the tree look the same and everything, but I'm not completely sure if they are actually Mimosa hostilis
That would be one good find.:mrgreen: Can't wait untill they're in bloom for some pictures.


Well-Known Member
My budy bought some salvia of the net one time and we toked up 3 joints and it didnt do shit!!!!!!!!!!!! It must have been fake.


Active Member
i smoked that shit one time while i was standing and it felt like some one kick me behind the kness becasue i almost lost my balance and fell down.When i finally sat down it just semmed like i was in a dazed moment and didnt even have those spirutal moments that people claimed it had just a spinning feeling like being drunk.I bought a gram from a smoke shop for 15 bucks and in my opinion it wasnt worth the money i would rather smoke a fat blunt that lasts fo a few hours.Of course i took only one hit off of the lowest concertraction but i wouldnt do a high dose espically by my self.


Well-Known Member
saynotodrugs, you smoked it wrong. you should do it in a bong with a butane lighter. and hold it as long as you can. and also if you want salvia people sell it on ebay. i bought some leaves. i'm not a big fan. makes me sweat and almost makes me angryish. i'll stick to weed