So what if weed was LEGAL, would it be that great?


Well-Known Member
why does everyone think that i'm saying its the rush behing this whole thread. the only logic behind this thread is that i'm fine with the system as it is for now. And i get people rambling about how i think smoking weed is a "rush". A rush is drunk and shrooms, acid and weed, pills and girls. Stop putting words in my mouth. Voice your opinion, don't call me ignorant because i express mine.


Well-Known Member
i think you get a rush from it and you dont even know it.... your explanation for wanting it to stay illegal = a rush

EDIT: even tho it might be a subtle one


Well-Known Member
my main reason for smoking pot is so i can relax.. and forget the days happenings.. if i wanted a rush id take a ride on a rollercoaster or go skydiving... simple


Well-Known Member
"So what if weed was LEGAL, would it be that great?"--cannibustible Yes, it would be wonderful. The impact that it would have on our environment (farming, paper making, textiles, etc.), and the fact that otherwise law-abiding citizens with clean records wouldn't have to live in constant fear of getting arrested. Lots of us are medicinal users. Legalization would make things much better and easier for us.


Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks for your points against mine, but this is very irritating when people start putting words in my mouth. When i get high ,i don't sit on the edge of my seat shaking with adrenaline. I chill, i laugh, munch out, i explore, pretty much regular stoned stuff. I'm not posting in this thread any more because of of the person i'm being portrayed as by every one else. for merely voicing an opinion. some stoners you are. forget i even said anything. peace


Well-Known Member
For one... If they tax it there is still going to be people selling it "underground"... More profit

For 2 weed will never be legal because it is a drug that can cause depression/laziness/addiction (just like alcohol). Alcohol may not be illegal but it is safer because its controlled.
Whoa alcohol is safer than weed? Last time checked alcohol causes Cirrhosis of the liver, impaired judgment (occasionally violent), and drunk driving is in the top three of traffic related deaths.

Weed causes impaired judgment and laziness. I can't count the number of times I've been stoned and too lazy to get off my ass to get a bag of chips from the kitchen, much less willing to drive to the store.

Smoking weed, yes can cause health problems, vaporizing the jury is still out but for the most parts experts believe it's better to vape than to smoke. Eating is also an option that doesn't involve smoke but most opt Hash for that over bud.

For 3 underground organizations (i.e. criminals) make lots of money from smuggling/growing etc pot. IF we were to legalize MJ than those people would be out of a job, and then resort to more drastic measures (selling more coke/crack/heroin etc)
This is pure conjecture and has no basis in founded fact. There's no evidence that moonshiners and rum runners went on to 'bigger and better' crimes after alcohol prohibition ended. Capne was in jail, some turned around and made profitable businesses legally.

My fantasy is to grow legally in a warehouse behind a medicinal shop. So sure any illegal gains would be drastically cut by legalization, but the risks would go down dramatically for those of us who just wish to grow, smoke, and supply a little for our friends.

its still a drug that if it was to get into the wrong hands (at a readily available rate) it could cause great damage to this persons life. (think children). Mary Jane is a commodity, problem is its a very addictive one and people abuse it. it will never be legal to the average citzen. (the truth hurts)
I'll admit I smoke cigarettes, LOTS OF THEM, I started at 13. The funny thing is that after I started smoking pot I generally had a better, more steady, and more available supply of weed than I did cigarettes. I had to fight clerks to get smokes but dealers never hassled me about buying weed underage. Alcohol forget it, that just took too damned much work when i was a teen. Cigs and Booze were damned near impossible but weed was practically free flowing. I had a more difficult time finding weed in my 30's than I did in my teens. How I found weed in my 30's? I went to the mall and asked a teen who was obviously baked. I believe legalization would reduce the number of children and teen pot smokers.

Where do you get 'very addictive?' The last time I checked there were only a few minor physical addiction withdraw symptoms to MJ. Headache, anxiety, and sore muscles that last around 4 days but don't 'drive' a person back to MJ if they want to stop. Psychologically addictive, sure... but so is sex, should we make that illegal too because it's fun? Sure people who have addictive personalities or seek escapism instead of dealing with their problems will make MJ a problem for themselves, just as drunks make alcohol a problem for themselves. Very addictive, I don't think so, all modern research argues greatly, the last I read said, "Mild addictive properties, no more than caffeine."

Yes MJ is a commodity just like any other plant matter that sold for profit. The difference is that 1. Hemp could single handedly undo the paper and fabric industry with a superior product. The invention of the cotten mill and paper industry lobbyed for the illegalization of hemp.

MJ, the fun stuff, was lobbied against by ... THE ALCOHOL industry. Let's see...

Drunk = dizzy, sick to stomach, short temper, vomiting, diarrhea, occasional violence and for some brain splitting headaches.

Stoned = light headed, tingly body and arms, giggly, very little can irritate someone stoned, munchies, sleepiness, and GREAT sex..

If you were booze company would you want MJ legal? Hell no, it's the superior product over booze. I HATE alcohol my first step dad was a wife beater while drunk and I had to defend my mom. You want a violent stoner, get between him and his Doritos, that's about it.

I have no idea where you got your data, but it won't be legalized because the fabric and booze industries are too f'n big and they will do anything to protect their profits. It's got nothing to do with addiction or protection of the public, that's just a BS front by idiot organizations like 'TRUTH' who prefer to lie out their ass to protect their funding companies products. It won't be legal because we're already too good at providing for ourselves which means lower tax revenue, a government less able to regulate the home grower, and of course a thorn in this side of alcohol investors.



Well-Known Member
Whoa alcohol is safer than weed? Last time checked alcohol causes Cirrhosis of the liver, impaired judgment (occasionally violent), and drunk driving is in the top three of traffic related deaths.

Weed causes impaired judgment and laziness. I can't count the number of times I've been stoned and too lazy to get off my ass to get a bag of chips from the kitchen, much less willing to drive to the store.

Smoking weed, yes can cause health problems, vaporizing the jury is still out but for the most parts experts believe it's better to vape than to smoke. Eating is also an option that doesn't involve smoke but most opt Hash for that over bud.

This is pure conjecture and has no basis in founded fact. There's no evidence that moonshiners and rum runners went on to 'bigger and better' crimes after alcohol prohibition ended. Capne was in jail, some turned around and made profitable businesses legally.

My fantasy is to grow legally in a warehouse behind a medicinal shop. So sure any illegal gains would be drastically cut by legalization, but the risks would go down dramatically for those of us who just wish to grow, smoke, and supply a little for our friends.

I'll admit I smoke cigarettes, LOTS OF THEM, I started at 13. The funny thing is that after I started smoking pot I generally had a better, more steady, and more available supply of weed than I did cigarettes. I had to fight clerks to get smokes but dealers never hassled me about buying weed underage. Alcohol forget it, that just took too damned much work when i was a teen. Cigs and Booze were damned near impossible but weed was practically free flowing. I had a more difficult time finding weed in my 30's than I did in my teens. How I found weed in my 30's? I went to the mall and asked a teen who was obviously baked. I believe legalization would reduce the number of children and teen pot smokers.

Where do you get 'very addictive?' The last time I checked there were only a few minor physical addiction withdraw symptoms to MJ. Headache, anxiety, and sore muscles that last around 4 days but don't 'drive' a person back to MJ if they want to stop. Psychologically addictive, sure... but so is sex, should we make that illegal too because it's fun? Sure people who have addictive personalities or seek escapism instead of dealing with their problems will make MJ a problem for themselves, just as drunks make alcohol a problem for themselves. Very addictive, I don't think so, all modern research argues greatly, the last I read said, "Mild addictive properties, no more than caffeine."

Yes MJ is a commodity just like any other plant matter that sold for profit. The difference is that 1. Hemp could single handedly undo the paper and fabric industry with a superior product. The invention of the cotten mill and paper industry lobbyed for the illegalization of hemp.

MJ, the fun stuff, was lobbied against by ... THE ALCOHOL industry. Let's see...

Drunk = dizzy, sick to stomach, short temper, vomiting, diarrhea, occasional violence and for some brain splitting headaches.

Stoned = light headed, tingly body and arms, giggly, very little can irritate someone stoned, munchies, sleepiness, and GREAT sex..

If you were booze company would you want MJ legal? Hell no, it's the superior product over booze. I HATE alcohol my first step dad was a wife beater while drunk and I had to defend my mom. You want a violent stoner, get between him and his Doritos, that's about it.

I have no idea where you got your data, but it won't be legalized because the fabric and booze industries are too f'n big and they will do anything to protect their profits. It's got nothing to do with addiction or protection of the public, that's just a BS front by idiot organizations like 'TRUTH' who prefer to lie out their ass to protect their funding companies products. It won't be legal because we're already too good at providing for ourselves which means lower tax revenue, a government less able to regulate the home grower, and of course a thorn in this side of alcohol investors.

Great post man. I was waiting on someone to rebuddle.

Everything i said was based on my beliefs from my past experience and from seeing what it has done to those around me.

Weed isnt addictive? Maybe if you run out of weed you dont have any withdraw but weed is definetly addictive. Put a bag of Bubblegum or blueberry in front of anyone and see if they dont smoke all of it in no time. It releases chemicals that make us feel better/happy/eurphoria, its a drug.

In moderation weed is more toxic to your mind/body than alcohol. Drink 2 beers get a buzz, if you stop ther then you probably wont have any side effects. With weed (strong weed) one hit will get you high. Its just like any other drug, once that initial feeling is gone your going to chase it (or pass out). I mean honestly why lie to yourself about weed, its a drug.

EDIT: if you can control it to recreational use then it is ok in my book, right there next to the 2 beer theory. But honestly who uses it "once in a while".

Honestly i think alot of people started at such a young age that really weed has become a part of them. its a way of life really. I didnt smoke until i was 17 and it took me years to figure out why weed is illegal. #1 reason is it makes you lazy. You start smoking and next thing you know your not going to the gym as much...your not doign as much HW...Your not going to work all the time, or on time....All you want to do is get high and chill. Granted this is someone who is a pothead but thats the be lazy.

im not knocking weed because honestly i love it. But than again i know im addicted to it. Im addicted to it just like im addicted to motorcross, or the beach, or anything that takes me away from the everyday shit i have to deal with.

Its a wonderful escape but it does ruin lives (if not ruining them, it atleast slows down your foward progress of success). Its illegal for a reason people.


Well-Known Member
Great post man. I was waiting on someone to rebuddle.

Everything i said was based on my beliefs from my past experience and from seeing what it has done to those around me.

Weed isnt addictive? Maybe if you run out of weed you dont have any withdraw but weed is definetly addictive. Put a bag of Bubblegum or blueberry in front of anyone and see if they dont smoke all of it in no time. It releases chemicals that make us feel better/happy/eurphoria, its a drug.

In moderation weed is more toxic to your mind/body than alcohol. Drink 2 beers get a buzz, if you stop ther then you probably wont have any side effects. With weed (strong weed) one hit will get you high. Its just like any other drug, once that initial feeling is gone your going to chase it (or pass out). I mean honestly why lie to yourself about weed, its a drug.

EDIT: if you can control it to recreational use then it is ok in my book, right there next to the 2 beer theory. But honestly who uses it "once in a while".

Honestly i think alot of people started at such a young age that really weed has become a part of them. its a way of life really. I didnt smoke until i was 17 and it took me years to figure out why weed is illegal. #1 reason is it makes you lazy. You start smoking and next thing you know your not going to the gym as much...your not doign as much HW...Your not going to work all the time, or on time....All you want to do is get high and chill. Granted this is someone who is a pothead but thats the be lazy.

im not knocking weed because honestly i love it. But than again i know im addicted to it. Im addicted to it just like im addicted to motorcross, or the beach, or anything that takes me away from the everyday shit i have to deal with.

Its a wonderful escape but it does ruin lives (if not ruining them, it atleast slows down your foward progress of success). Its illegal for a reason people.
Weed can really only be mentally addictive, just because you really want something doesn't mean that your body has the desperate need for it.


Well-Known Member
Its illegal for a reason people. --puffpuffpassedout
Yes sir. But not the reason you think.

It is illegal because voters are ignorant of the facts. And because they feel the need to try and control others who are not hurting anyone with their toking or their growing.

The voters bought a pack of lies manufactured by the government and big business. They (government and big business) fear what legalization and cultivation would do to the agricultural industry, the logging industry, papermills, the pharmaceutical industry, alcohol distilleries, etc. This page has a ton of information for you, I hope you read it. Ignorance is not a bad thing, as long as you don't hold on to it intentionally. This is a very important issue, and every person (including you) is important. Please, please study the info on this page:

I don't really care if you read the following, but please study the info on the linked page above.


Not everyone's experience has been the same as your own. The vast majority of the marijuana users I know--and in 36 years living in a Texas city where it is both dirt cheap and widely available, I have known many--are recreational users who do not use daily. Most of them get high less than twice a week. I also know people with neuropathy from cancer treatments and complications from diabetes, people with glaucoma, people with lingering chronic pain from damage received in car accidents and in military operations, that use marijuana for medicinal purposes.

On the other hand, I know drunks. Oh boy, do I know some drunks. In fact, I used to be one. I can tell you, it is beyond all doubt more toxic to the body than weed. Smoking itself is not terribly healthy, but there is more than one alternate form of ingestion, which does not carry the perceived health risks of smoking.

I am not yet growing any cannabis, so I can't say much about it's cultivation. But I study it's known medicinal applications and it's potential medicinal applications. Did you know that most people who smoked a lot of weed back in the day have almost no chance of developing Alzheimer's disease in their old age? (I said 'almost' no chance.) It's true that pot smoking has been shown to cause decreased lung capacity, but the latest research also shows that there doesn't seem to be a link between smoking weed (no tobacco though), even every day, and lung cancer. Glaucoma patients see a reduction in intraocular pressure when they use marijuana regularly. Marijuana has been shown to be as effective for the management of mild to moderate chronic pain as vicodin and codeine for a high percentage of people. An extract of the plant has been shown to be effective in stopping the spread of breast cancer. Marijuana can stimulate appetite in sick people who have lost theirs and are wasting because of it. Marijuana has been shown to stop asthma attacks in some asthmatics. Marijuana has been proven to be a more effective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor than any prescription medication that can be dispensed in the United States to Alzheimer's patients. It outperforms Aricept by a fair margin. The list goes on and on, it is truly amazing.

The daily use of marijuana for medicinal purposes is not without side effects, but you'll never have to worry 'that regular use of this medication may cause temporary hair loss, suicide, burning itching asshole, etc.', or whatever the heck they say in those disclaimers in the commercials for prescription medications.

I don't use marijuana much, but I'm told that dosing marijuana is easy as pie. If you feel bad, you took too much. If you can't push the cat away when it starts licking your crotch, you took too much. If you can't get off the couch when your girlfriends husband comes home, you took too much. Finding an appropriate dose is purportedly a simple, straightforward matter, and it won't put you in the hospital if you take one too many hits off of a joint. This is not the case with most prescription medications, so some forced guidance when using [some of] them may well be appropriate. But it seems that even Forest Gump wouldn't really need any help finding the right dose of marijuana.

Someone here--I can't remember their handle right now, sorry--has a signature that says something like 'don't incarcerate self-sufficient sick people...'. Exactly! Why should a sick person who can improve their health by using marijuana have to get a card, or buy illegally what they can grow at home cheaply, and without hurting anyone? These unjust laws encourage more dependence on the government, and force many people to turn to Rx medications for their conditions. Medications which can often cause horrible side effects, medications that sometimes do more harm than good, medications that cost too damned much money.

Some folks do get psychologically addicted to marijuana. Certainly. But addiction is always going to exist, no matter what. I've known many addicts over the years, not only friends-coworkers-schoolmates-relatives, but people in treatment programs and groups. I grew up with a young man. Handsome, athletic and full of potential, but he started sniffing gas fumes to get high. By the time he finally got tired of it, his math skills, hand-eye coordination, and short term memory were that of an old man. My cousin, beautiful smart woman, was prescribed vicodin after a broken arm. She started doubling the dose and getting high on purpose. Became addicted. After awhile, the addiction cost her so much money to feed, she became a prostitute to support her habit. This pill to that pill, so-on and so-on, a few years go by and now she's on crystal meth, and her kids are all living in different homes in different cities, hardly ever get to see each other. My Uncle became an alcoholic when he came back from a military campaign abroad. He had blackouts where he was violent toward his wife. She put his head through the sheetrock, then put him out of the house. Years later at 55 years, he'd become a shrunken, tiny little whisper of a man. He said that he couldn't eat anything anymore, could only hold beer down, so the doctor told him to drink it. Alcohol had sucked all the health out of him, and it ended up becoming the only thing his stomach would accept toward the end. 4 days later, he died. A friend of mine who seemed to me to be a master guitarist, hurt his back and became addicted to the pills he was given. Oxycontin? Soma? I don't know what the hell they were called, or really what they did. But when he realized that it was furking up his daily life, he went cold turkey. Oops. Couldn't play the guitar anymore, loss of feeling or hand control. Something like that.

We all know, addiction is always going to exist no matter what we do. Keeping marijuana illegal may well deflect the interest of some of the individuals who are afraid to get arrested--many of those being people who seem destined to become addicted to something. It seems to me that marijuana addiction is preferable to most, if not all the alternatives.

Also, if an adult person chooses to fuck up their lives with a drug, any drug including marijuana (if that's really possible), that is their right. And if they violate my rights, I have the legal right to defend myself with force. But honestly, I don't think some fiendish pothead here is going to try to steal my car. Then again, a pill head or a junkie might.

We shouldn't forget, if there is physical addiction to marijuana, withdrawal is minimal. It also cannot be said enough, that a person can use it recreationally without ever becoming addicted to it. In fact, that seems to be the norm in my neck of the woods.




Overdosing on marijuana


Well-Known Member
Yes sir. But not the reason you think.

It is illegal because voters are ignorant of the facts. And because they feel the need to try and control others who are not hurting anyone with their toking or their growing.

The voters bought a pack of lies manufactured by the government and big business. They (government and big business) fear what legalization and cultivation would do to the agricultural industry, the logging industry, papermills, the pharmaceutical industry, alcohol distilleries, etc. This page has a ton of information for you, I hope you read it. Ignorance is not a bad thing, as long as you don't hold on to it intentionally. This is a very important issue, and every person (including you) is important. Please, please study the info on this page:

I don't really care if you read the following, but please study the info on the linked page above.


Not everyone's experience has been the same as your own. The vast majority of the marijuana users I know--and in 36 years living in a Texas city where it is both dirt cheap and widely available, I have known many--are recreational users who do not use daily. Most of them get high less than twice a week. I also know people with neuropathy from cancer treatments and complications from diabetes, people with glaucoma, people with lingering chronic pain from damage received in car accidents and in military operations, that use marijuana for medicinal purposes.

On the other hand, I know drunks. Oh boy, do I know some drunks. In fact, I used to be one. I can tell you, it is beyond all doubt more toxic to the body than weed. Smoking itself is not terribly healthy, but there is more than one alternate form of ingestion, which does not carry the perceived health risks of smoking.

I am not yet growing any cannabis, so I can't say much about it's cultivation. But I study it's known medicinal applications and it's potential medicinal applications. Did you know that most people who smoked a lot of weed back in the day have almost no chance of developing Alzheimer's disease in their old age? (I said 'almost' no chance.) It's true that pot smoking has been shown to cause decreased lung capacity, but the latest research also shows that there doesn't seem to be a link between smoking weed (no tobacco though), even every day, and lung cancer. Glaucoma patients see a reduction in intraocular pressure when they use marijuana regularly. Marijuana has been shown to be as effective for the management of mild to moderate chronic pain as vicodin and codeine for a high percentage of people. An extract of the plant has been shown to be effective in stopping the spread of breast cancer. Marijuana can stimulate appetite in sick people who have lost theirs and are wasting because of it. Marijuana has been shown to stop asthma attacks in some asthmatics. Marijuana has been proven to be a more effective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor than any prescription medication that can be dispensed in the United States to Alzheimer's patients. It outperforms Aricept by a fair margin. The list goes on and on, it is truly amazing.

The daily use of marijuana for medicinal purposes is not without side effects, but you'll never have to worry 'that regular use of this medication may cause temporary hair loss, suicide, burning itching asshole, etc.', or whatever the heck they say in those disclaimers in the commercials for prescription medications.

I don't use marijuana much, but I'm told that dosing marijuana is easy as pie. If you feel bad, you took too much. If you can't push the cat away when it starts licking your crotch, you took too much. If you can't get off the couch when your girlfriends husband comes home, you took too much. Finding an appropriate dose is purportedly a simple, straightforward matter, and it won't put you in the hospital if you take one too many hits off of a joint. This is not the case with most prescription medications, so some forced guidance when using [some of] them may well be appropriate. But it seems that even Forest Gump wouldn't really need any help finding the right dose of marijuana.

Someone here--I can't remember their handle right now, sorry--has a signature that says something like 'don't incarcerate self-sufficient sick people...'. Exactly! Why should a sick person who can improve their health by using marijuana have to get a card, or buy illegally what they can grow at home cheaply, and without hurting anyone? These unjust laws encourage more dependence on the government, and force many people to turn to Rx medications for their conditions. Medications which can often cause horrible side effects, medications that sometimes do more harm than good, medications that cost too damned much money.

Some folks do get psychologically addicted to marijuana. Certainly. But addiction is always going to exist, no matter what. I've known many addicts over the years, not only friends-coworkers-schoolmates-relatives, but people in treatment programs and groups. I grew up with a young man. Handsome, athletic and full of potential, but he started sniffing gas fumes to get high. By the time he finally got tired of it, his math skills, hand-eye coordination, and short term memory were that of an old man. My cousin, beautiful smart woman, was prescribed vicodin after a broken arm. She started doubling the dose and getting high on purpose. Became addicted. After awhile, the addiction cost her so much money to feed, she became a prostitute to support her habit. This pill to that pill, so-on and so-on, a few years go by and now she's on crystal meth, and her kids are all living in different homes in different cities, hardly ever get to see each other. My Uncle became an alcoholic when he came back from a military campaign abroad. He had blackouts where he was violent toward his wife. She put his head through the sheetrock, then put him out of the house. Years later at 55 years, he'd become a shrunken, tiny little whisper of a man. He said that he couldn't eat anything anymore, could only hold beer down, so the doctor told him to drink it. Alcohol had sucked all the health out of him, and it ended up becoming the only thing his stomach would accept toward the end. 4 days later, he died. A friend of mine who seemed to me to be a master guitarist, hurt his back and became addicted to the pills he was given. Oxycontin? Soma? I don't know what the hell they were called, or really what they did. But when he realized that it was furking up his daily life, he went cold turkey. Oops. Couldn't play the guitar anymore, loss of feeling or hand control. Something like that.

We all know, addiction is always going to exist no matter what we do. Keeping marijuana illegal may well deflect the interest of some of the individuals who are afraid to get arrested--many of those being people who seem destined to become addicted to something. It seems to me that marijuana addiction is preferable to most, if not all the alternatives.

Also, if an adult person chooses to fuck up their lives with a drug, any drug including marijuana (if that's really possible), that is their right. And if they violate my rights, I have the legal right to defend myself with force. But honestly, I don't think some fiendish pothead here is going to try to steal my car. Then again, a pill head or a junkie might.

We shouldn't forget, if there is physical addiction to marijuana, withdrawal is minimal. It also cannot be said enough, that a person can use it recreationally without ever becoming addicted to it. In fact, that seems to be the norm in my neck of the woods.




Overdosing on marijuana
I second this, well put.


Well-Known Member
Great post man. I was waiting on someone to rebuddle.

Everything i said was based on my beliefs from my past experience and from seeing what it has done to those around me.
Right there in lies the fallacy of your argument, it's based purely on experience.

I know 4 very successful PhD's who are world class who toke up once in a while to unwind. They've been thriving on the same bud for over 10 months, they're not getting high every day, week, or even month. They are 110% in control of their desires. They are neither lazy nor unproductive. They have had no loss of forward momentum in their lives due to marijuana.

Marijuana is a drug, I never stated differently. So is Tobacco, Alcohol, Caffeine, and a whole slew of other substances most of the world uses on a daily basis. In that you are correct.

Websters Dictionary
: compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal ; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful
We can all agree there are 2 kinds of addictions, psychological and physiological.

A physiological addiction (like Heroin) creates a place where the body 'needs' the substance to properly operate. I've seen Heroin junkies come off the drug. It's ugly, VERY UGLY. They go into involuntary convulsions, spontaneous vomiting and are in incredible amounts of pain. I've lived through that hell with too many friends. Cigarettes have some less serious but still difficult physiological withdraw symptoms, I have personally experienced them and do not like them at all.

A psychological addiction is just that, psychological. There are lots of people psychologically addicted to marijuana, I won't argue that. There are just as many people addicted to alcohol, pornography, sex, skydiving, drag racing, religion, and even violence. (Think about it how many billions of people are tuning it tomorrow to watch gladiators fight over some pig skin?)

A psychological addiction, IMO, is a choice. I'm sorry but I have no respect for 12 steppers or their 'ideology,' They substitute 1 addiction for another. Some people get hooked on the apology process where they have to apologize to everyone they harmed while 'addicted.' Other' 12 steppers get stuck on the 'higher power' aspect of it and become religious fanatics.

Under your logic anything that can destroy people should be made illegal. So where shall we start? Oh of course where am I, the internet it HAS to go. It's destroyed hundreds and thousands of marriages (including my mothers) and caused people to lose their jobs. Next step would be pornography, lets make that illegal since some people can't control themselves with that either. Next stop, sex. Yup since there are sex addicts then sex should be illegal as well. Sex addicts range all the way from people who can't operate without masturbating at least twice a day to rapists who will take it literally any way they can. Sex should absolutely to be illegal. Tobacco and Caffeine have got to go as well then. Oh wait, those turn people into faster, more productive cogs in the great economic machine, those will never be illegal despite the fact that a life time abuser of either can lead to a stroke. Tobacco alone can lead to half a dozen kinds of cancer, but they are 'safe' stimulants. Lets see California already banned drag racing and I'm sure the rest the nation will follow. Alcohol there we go. Let's hear some descriptions of alcoholics. Wife beater, drunk driver, and wino those are just a few I can think of. I can guarantee that alcohol has destroyed MANY more lives than marijuana. Skydivers can't get health or life insurance because that rush is so dangerous so we should make that illegal as well. It's not the fall that kills you it's the sudden stop at the end.

Religion this is where I stop being sarcastic, should absolutely be illegal. It's so addictive and destructive that there's a war going on in the US as to which is better to teach all our children Science or Creationism. So should we teach them science based on experimentation and fact or religion based on an imaginary friend most adults are too weak to let go of (or at least must have to hide behind.) Talk about getting them hooked young, we have state sponsored addiction in the classroom. Think it hasn't destroyed lives??? Did you miss 9/11? That was religion at work and then there were also the Crusades. Maybe the Spanish Inquisition. How about cults? Branch Davidians, Jim Jones, Heavens Gate. those religions didn't hurt any body.

So anything that is addictive and can destroy lives should be illegal. Kiss freedom of any kind good bye. Sex only for procreation, coffee only before work, cigarettes never, internet and WoW definately would be gone (hell I know many more productive stoners than productive World of Warcraft players.)

You make this sound like a gun control argument. Guns kill!!!! Marijuana is too addictive!!!

You're wrong. I get high maybe 2 or 3 times a month, yes I was addicted in highschool. I was also escaping a bad situation that few people can comprehend that had nothing to do with drugs, I made a choice to become addicted. I chose to stop being addicted in 1994, between 1994 and Dec of 2008 I smoked a grand total of 6 hits. (Not baggies, 1/4's or 1/8's, six total hits in 14 years.) In my 30's I made a choice to be a recreational user with friends and loved ones to occasionally unwind.

Just as I tell gun control people. 'There's been a gun in your presence for over an hour now, who has it killed? Oh wait, that would require a PERSON pull the trigger.'

I tell you the same, There's been pot within 15 feet while I wrote this whole post and I'm completely sober.

The illegality has nothing to do with what it does to people. It only has to do with the fact that letting it remain legal past the 1930's would have hurt the wrong money men. Wealth was preserverd where it should be and we paid the price and are paying the price in millions of years sentenced in prisons around the nation.

If you feel it's so bad about weed, I'm sorry you can't control yourself. I personally work upwards of 85 - 95 hours a week and run my own web page design company that's completely on the level. You're going to have a hard time convincing me I'm lazy. If anything I'm addicted to work and being productive and need marijuana to slow me down and actually enjoy life for life once in a while. Then again I think work should be illegal, but that's a whole other discussion.

Yes I like weed, yes I get high, I don't let it control me I simply don't have that time or luxury. Throw in the fact my wife has one in the oven pretty soon I'm going to be running a job, a business and being a stay at home dad, I probably won't have time to get high in the next 18 years (or more, she wants 2.)

Sorry your experiences have been so bad. Sure I baked a way high school. Looking back on what little I can remember, I didn't miss much. There will always be addictive substances, it's not the governments place to tell us how we can and can't relax.



Well-Known Member
i would still love weed the same either way, legal or illegal. i love the culture behind it and i love the way it relaxes me. i would rather it be legal tho, so i can grow without having to worry if a team of police are gonna come into my house and fuck up my babies that i just put 3 months of tender loving care into. its not about the risk of being caught for me its about the love for the very beautiful plant that i kick ass at growing.

the cash and rep of growing the best bud around are just a plus. but i wouldnt care if i couldnt make any money off it.


New Member
Dealers have a vested interest in MJ being illegal.. I dont deal so I dont.. I would trade 3 fingers from both hands if it meant that weed would become legal.. Hell, maybe even 4 fingers.. But I need to keep one finger, the middle one ,so I can keep flipping dumb fucks on this site the bird through my monitor..


Dealers have a vested interest in MJ being illegal.. I dont deal so I dont.. I would trade 3 fingers from both hands if it meant that weed would become legal.. Hell, maybe even 4 fingers.. But I need to keep one finger, the middle one ,so I can keep flipping dumb fucks on this site the bird through my monitor..

you got one of these?;-)


New Member
meh.. I could care less to be honest. Im not sorry for anything ive said , and I dont have any intention on "changing my ways".. Im too old and too set in my "ways" to go changing for anyone.


Well-Known Member
Yes sir. But not the reason you think.

It is illegal because voters are ignorant of the facts. And because they feel the need to try and control others who are not hurting anyone with their toking or their growing.

The voters bought a pack of lies manufactured by the government and big business. They (government and big business) fear what legalization and cultivation would do to the agricultural industry, the logging industry, papermills, the pharmaceutical industry, alcohol distilleries, etc. This page has a ton of information for you, I hope you read it. Ignorance is not a bad thing, as long as you don't hold on to it intentionally. This is a very important issue, and every person (including you) is important. Please, please study the info on this page:

I don't really care if you read the following, but please study the info on the linked page above.


Not everyone's experience has been the same as your own. The vast majority of the marijuana users I know--and in 36 years living in a Texas city where it is both dirt cheap and widely available, I have known many--are recreational users who do not use daily. Most of them get high less than twice a week. I also know people with neuropathy from cancer treatments and complications from diabetes, people with glaucoma, people with lingering chronic pain from damage received in car accidents and in military operations, that use marijuana for medicinal purposes.

On the other hand, I know drunks. Oh boy, do I know some drunks. In fact, I used to be one. I can tell you, it is beyond all doubt more toxic to the body than weed. Smoking itself is not terribly healthy, but there is more than one alternate form of ingestion, which does not carry the perceived health risks of smoking.

I am not yet growing any cannabis, so I can't say much about it's cultivation. But I study it's known medicinal applications and it's potential medicinal applications. Did you know that most people who smoked a lot of weed back in the day have almost no chance of developing Alzheimer's disease in their old age? (I said 'almost' no chance.) It's true that pot smoking has been shown to cause decreased lung capacity, but the latest research also shows that there doesn't seem to be a link between smoking weed (no tobacco though), even every day, and lung cancer. Glaucoma patients see a reduction in intraocular pressure when they use marijuana regularly. Marijuana has been shown to be as effective for the management of mild to moderate chronic pain as vicodin and codeine for a high percentage of people. An extract of the plant has been shown to be effective in stopping the spread of breast cancer. Marijuana can stimulate appetite in sick people who have lost theirs and are wasting because of it. Marijuana has been shown to stop asthma attacks in some asthmatics. Marijuana has been proven to be a more effective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor than any prescription medication that can be dispensed in the United States to Alzheimer's patients. It outperforms Aricept by a fair margin. The list goes on and on, it is truly amazing.

The daily use of marijuana for medicinal purposes is not without side effects, but you'll never have to worry 'that regular use of this medication may cause temporary hair loss, suicide, burning itching asshole, etc.', or whatever the heck they say in those disclaimers in the commercials for prescription medications.

I don't use marijuana much, but I'm told that dosing marijuana is easy as pie. If you feel bad, you took too much. If you can't push the cat away when it starts licking your crotch, you took too much. If you can't get off the couch when your girlfriends husband comes home, you took too much. Finding an appropriate dose is purportedly a simple, straightforward matter, and it won't put you in the hospital if you take one too many hits off of a joint. This is not the case with most prescription medications, so some forced guidance when using [some of] them may well be appropriate. But it seems that even Forest Gump wouldn't really need any help finding the right dose of marijuana.

Someone here--I can't remember their handle right now, sorry--has a signature that says something like 'don't incarcerate self-sufficient sick people...'. Exactly! Why should a sick person who can improve their health by using marijuana have to get a card, or buy illegally what they can grow at home cheaply, and without hurting anyone? These unjust laws encourage more dependence on the government, and force many people to turn to Rx medications for their conditions. Medications which can often cause horrible side effects, medications that sometimes do more harm than good, medications that cost too damned much money.

Some folks do get psychologically addicted to marijuana. Certainly. But addiction is always going to exist, no matter what. I've known many addicts over the years, not only friends-coworkers-schoolmates-relatives, but people in treatment programs and groups. I grew up with a young man. Handsome, athletic and full of potential, but he started sniffing gas fumes to get high. By the time he finally got tired of it, his math skills, hand-eye coordination, and short term memory were that of an old man. My cousin, beautiful smart woman, was prescribed vicodin after a broken arm. She started doubling the dose and getting high on purpose. Became addicted. After awhile, the addiction cost her so much money to feed, she became a prostitute to support her habit. This pill to that pill, so-on and so-on, a few years go by and now she's on crystal meth, and her kids are all living in different homes in different cities, hardly ever get to see each other. My Uncle became an alcoholic when he came back from a military campaign abroad. He had blackouts where he was violent toward his wife. She put his head through the sheetrock, then put him out of the house. Years later at 55 years, he'd become a shrunken, tiny little whisper of a man. He said that he couldn't eat anything anymore, could only hold beer down, so the doctor told him to drink it. Alcohol had sucked all the health out of him, and it ended up becoming the only thing his stomach would accept toward the end. 4 days later, he died. A friend of mine who seemed to me to be a master guitarist, hurt his back and became addicted to the pills he was given. Oxycontin? Soma? I don't know what the hell they were called, or really what they did. But when he realized that it was furking up his daily life, he went cold turkey. Oops. Couldn't play the guitar anymore, loss of feeling or hand control. Something like that.

We all know, addiction is always going to exist no matter what we do. Keeping marijuana illegal may well deflect the interest of some of the individuals who are afraid to get arrested--many of those being people who seem destined to become addicted to something. It seems to me that marijuana addiction is preferable to most, if not all the alternatives.

Also, if an adult person chooses to fuck up their lives with a drug, any drug including marijuana (if that's really possible), that is their right. And if they violate my rights, I have the legal right to defend myself with force. But honestly, I don't think some fiendish pothead here is going to try to steal my car. Then again, a pill head or a junkie might.

We shouldn't forget, if there is physical addiction to marijuana, withdrawal is minimal. It also cannot be said enough, that a person can use it recreationally without ever becoming addicted to it. In fact, that seems to be the norm in my neck of the woods.




Overdosing on marijuana
Very well put.

i dont want to really argue my point if know one wants to take what i say seriously so ill say this:

Weed can not kill you.

Weed is not a pain killer. Sure it will make you feel better (somewhat) but its not going to cure your pain like a narcotic would. really it doesnt cure any pain. It gives appetite to those in need and puts people who are deathly ill in a state of happiness they havent felt in a long time. It has a placebo effect unlike any sugar pill. Weed is nothing more than asprin in my medicine cabinet.

Can hemp be used to create a product that surpasses what the cotton/paper can make? sure... and those who makes BILLIONNSSSSSS are going protect their investments by making sure hemp never becomes legal. We are definetly not going to win that war anytime soon.

Also if you have a mental addiction to something doesnt that relate to a pyshical addiction? I mean the drug causes a pyshical reaction in the brain, and mentally we are addicted to that feeling. Its a fine line in my book.

Also weed is a gateway drug. Once you become tolerant to MJ and you begin to smoke more and more, the next step is to etheir slow/quit or to do more drugs (or atleast experiment with much more addicting chemicals/drugs). And im sure whom ever is selling the weed is more than willing to go get an 8 ball or some X for you in no time. For him/her its all about supply and demand, and chances are your drug dealer knows someone who sells what you want.

What weed really does IMO is it opens your mind. It puts everything else in life behind you (if you choose to). Honestly it is a state of control. Control over yourself, but not without reprecussion. All you need is the wrong influence and you can become brainwashed. Look at rap music. Why do they promote weed smoking so much? ..because it can be used to help influence the mind of the weak. If your mind is so clouded with your own euphoria then really what are you? your a child. you have the mind of a child. You share the same characteristics... Your much easier influenced.

In the hands of the weak minded weed is no better than any other drug.

Im sorry if i offend anyone by saying any of this but its honestly how i feel.


Very well put.

i dont want to really argue my point if know one wants to take what i say seriously so ill say this:

Weed can not kill you.

Weed is not a pain killer. Sure it will make you feel better (somewhat) but its not going to cure your pain like a narcotic would. really it doesnt cure any pain. It gives appetite to those in need and puts people who are deathly ill in a state of happiness they havent felt in a long time. It has a placebo effect unlike any sugar pill. Weed is nothing more than asprin in my medicine cabinet.

Can hemp be used to create a product that surpasses what the cotton/paper can make? sure... and those who makes BILLIONNSSSSSS are going protect their investments by making sure hemp never becomes legal. We are definetly not going to win that war anytime soon.

Also if you have a mental addiction to something doesnt that relate to a pyshical addiction? I mean the drug causes a pyshical reaction in the brain, and mentally we are addicted to that feeling. Its a fine line in my book.

Also weed is a gateway drug. Once you become tolerant to MJ and you begin to smoke more and more, the next step is to etheir slow/quit or to do more drugs (or atleast experiment with much more addicting chemicals/drugs). And im sure whom ever is selling the weed is more than willing to go get an 8 ball or some X for you in no time. For him/her its all about supply and demand, and chances are your drug dealer knows someone who sells what you want.

What weed really does IMO is it opens your mind. It puts everything else in life behind you (if you choose to). Honestly it is a state of control. Control over yourself, but not without reprecussion. All you need is the wrong influence and you can become brainwashed. Look at rap music. Why do they promote weed smoking so much? ..because it can be used to help influence the mind of the weak. If your mind is so clouded with your own euphoria then really what are you? your a child. you have the mind of a child. You share the same characteristics... Your much easier influenced.

In the hands of the weak minded weed is no better than any other drug.

Im sorry if i offend anyone by saying any of this but its honestly how i feel.
weed is only a "gateway drug" because it is on the black market with the rest of the "hard drugs".... alcohol is alot harder for a minor to get than pot, and pot is the natural choice for a first drug... i mean, how many people do you know that started straight out with shooting heroin??....

you start getting weed from a guy who, unknown to you, sells coke also; cause thats where the money is at... but he sells weed cause he likes to smoke for free... after awhile of you buying smoke from him, he's grown to trust you, and then asks, "hey, you do coke bro?".... and so the story goes...


Well-Known Member
Right there in lies the fallacy of your argument, it's based purely on experience.

I know 4 very successful PhD's who are world class who toke up once in a while to unwind. They've been thriving on the same bud for over 10 months, they're not getting high every day, week, or even month. They are 110% in control of their desires. They are neither lazy nor unproductive. They have had no loss of forward momentum in their lives due to marijuana.

Marijuana is a drug, I never stated differently. So is Tobacco, Alcohol, Caffeine, and a whole slew of other substances most of the world uses on a daily basis. In that you are correct.

Websters Dictionary We can all agree there are 2 kinds of addictions, psychological and physiological.

A physiological addiction (like Heroin) creates a place where the body 'needs' the substance to properly operate. I've seen Heroin junkies come off the drug. It's ugly, VERY UGLY. They go into involuntary convulsions, spontaneous vomiting and are in incredible amounts of pain. I've lived through that hell with too many friends. Cigarettes have some less serious but still difficult physiological withdraw symptoms, I have personally experienced them and do not like them at all.

A psychological addiction is just that, psychological. There are lots of people psychologically addicted to marijuana, I won't argue that. There are just as many people addicted to alcohol, pornography, sex, skydiving, drag racing, religion, and even violence. (Think about it how many billions of people are tuning it tomorrow to watch gladiators fight over some pig skin?)

A psychological addiction, IMO, is a choice. I'm sorry but I have no respect for 12 steppers or their 'ideology,' They substitute 1 addiction for another. Some people get hooked on the apology process where they have to apologize to everyone they harmed while 'addicted.' Other' 12 steppers get stuck on the 'higher power' aspect of it and become religious fanatics.

Under your logic anything that can destroy people should be made illegal. So where shall we start? Oh of course where am I, the internet it HAS to go. It's destroyed hundreds and thousands of marriages (including my mothers) and caused people to lose their jobs. Next step would be pornography, lets make that illegal since some people can't control themselves with that either. Next stop, sex. Yup since there are sex addicts then sex should be illegal as well. Sex addicts range all the way from people who can't operate without masturbating at least twice a day to rapists who will take it literally any way they can. Sex should absolutely to be illegal. Tobacco and Caffeine have got to go as well then. Oh wait, those turn people into faster, more productive cogs in the great economic machine, those will never be illegal despite the fact that a life time abuser of either can lead to a stroke. Tobacco alone can lead to half a dozen kinds of cancer, but they are 'safe' stimulants. Lets see California already banned drag racing and I'm sure the rest the nation will follow. Alcohol there we go. Let's hear some descriptions of alcoholics. Wife beater, drunk driver, and wino those are just a few I can think of. I can guarantee that alcohol has destroyed MANY more lives than marijuana. Skydivers can't get health or life insurance because that rush is so dangerous so we should make that illegal as well. It's not the fall that kills you it's the sudden stop at the end.

Religion this is where I stop being sarcastic, should absolutely be illegal. It's so addictive and destructive that there's a war going on in the US as to which is better to teach all our children Science or Creationism. So should we teach them science based on experimentation and fact or religion based on an imaginary friend most adults are too weak to let go of (or at least must have to hide behind.) Talk about getting them hooked young, we have state sponsored addiction in the classroom. Think it hasn't destroyed lives??? Did you miss 9/11? That was religion at work and then there were also the Crusades. Maybe the Spanish Inquisition. How about cults? Branch Davidians, Jim Jones, Heavens Gate. those religions didn't hurt any body.

So anything that is addictive and can destroy lives should be illegal. Kiss freedom of any kind good bye. Sex only for procreation, coffee only before work, cigarettes never, internet and WoW definately would be gone (hell I know many more productive stoners than productive World of Warcraft players.)

You make this sound like a gun control argument. Guns kill!!!! Marijuana is too addictive!!!

You're wrong. I get high maybe 2 or 3 times a month, yes I was addicted in highschool. I was also escaping a bad situation that few people can comprehend that had nothing to do with drugs, I made a choice to become addicted. I chose to stop being addicted in 1994, between 1994 and Dec of 2008 I smoked a grand total of 6 hits. (Not baggies, 1/4's or 1/8's, six total hits in 14 years.) In my 30's I made a choice to be a recreational user with friends and loved ones to occasionally unwind.

Just as I tell gun control people. 'There's been a gun in your presence for over an hour now, who has it killed? Oh wait, that would require a PERSON pull the trigger.'

I tell you the same, There's been pot within 15 feet while I wrote this whole post and I'm completely sober.

The illegality has nothing to do with what it does to people. It only has to do with the fact that letting it remain legal past the 1930's would have hurt the wrong money men. Wealth was preserverd where it should be and we paid the price and are paying the price in millions of years sentenced in prisons around the nation.

If you feel it's so bad about weed, I'm sorry you can't control yourself. I personally work upwards of 85 - 95 hours a week and run my own web page design company that's completely on the level. You're going to have a hard time convincing me I'm lazy. If anything I'm addicted to work and being productive and need marijuana to slow me down and actually enjoy life for life once in a while. Then again I think work should be illegal, but that's a whole other discussion.

Yes I like weed, yes I get high, I don't let it control me I simply don't have that time or luxury. Throw in the fact my wife has one in the oven pretty soon I'm going to be running a job, a business and being a stay at home dad, I probably won't have time to get high in the next 18 years (or more, she wants 2.)

Sorry your experiences have been so bad. Sure I baked a way high school. Looking back on what little I can remember, I didn't miss much. There will always be addictive substances, it's not the governments place to tell us how we can and can't relax.

RT, very well put. I really dont need to debate what youve said because basically youve already said it for me. You sir are a prime exception of what someone should be. You dont need MJ, its nothing more than an experience to you. You know what you want.

Im looking at things from a parents POV. I grew up in a public school and i can assure you very few people were getting high. BUT those who were getting high stood out above the rest. How? Basically they were failing, success was not an option because really they didnt care, they were high.

To someone who knows how to prioritize their life or to someone who has a great teacher (good parents) weed probably isnt even an option. It obviously isnt an option for you.

But to those of us who grew up in a divorced family, or an alcoholic one, or those of us with go parents but ones who are too strict... We are going to use MJ as an escape, an escape from reality. And chances are your going to hook up with other people jsut like you and compile one anothers hatred for discomfort and love for the escape. Then addiction sets in. Your smoking more frequently and you really begin to revolve your life around weed. Theres only one way to change what has happened and that is to stop using the drug and to not be a part of the lifestyle (i.e. to start over)

In the right hands sure weed isnt harmful. But chances are those hands dont really even need weed in his/her life. They already have control, they dont need to escape reality.

IMO weed is just like steriods. You shouldnt take them at an early age because its going to stunt your growth. You should really wait until your life is established to experiment.

Just my 2 cents.