So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Well-Known Member
From my notes:

2 tablespoons of seeds (1 oz.)
Soak for 12 hours. Drain that water and throw away. It’s full of growth inhibitors.
Add 1/2 gallon of water to the sprouts for the 48 hour soak.
Strain and use 1 cup of this to 1 gallon of water.

I forget WTF we were discussing where there was an updated dilution. Shit. Lemme PM Cann. The above recipe was Coots original.

I used that one for the corn, only thing I'm not sure if I did right with that is..are you calling for sprouted seeds/kernels?


Well-Known Member

  • I use dandelions for topdressing..they are a great resource. Also you can make a dandelion FPE, but I am not one for FPE's necessarily.

    people get very confused when I tell them I cultivate dandelions landlord was walking around the backyard with me the other day and she says "you know those are weeds right?" I laughed...didn't know what to say.​



Well-Known Member
I have 1:15 dilution for Coconut also. I can ask Coot, but let's see what Cann comes back with. I PM'd him


Well-Known Member
yah I think that is the original mix i quoted/ maybe it's 1:60 now? I couldn't find it. I honestly just pour a bit in and eyeball it.


Well-Known Member
When you say sprouts do you mean once they sprout add them to the 1/2 gallon of water or right after 24hr soak?


Well-Known Member
Soak the seeds in your first batch of water for 12 hours, then toss that water.

Then add 1/2 gallon of water to the sprouts, and soak for 48 hours. This is the water we want.

Take 1 Cup of that sprout water and add to 1 gallon of fresh water to use.


Well-Known Member
Soak the seeds in your first batch of water for 12 hours, then toss that water.

Then add 1/2 gallon of water to the sprouts, and soak for 48 hours. This is the water we want.

Take 1 Cup of that sprout water and add to 1 gallon of fresh water to use.

Hey you say sprout water but I think that is where we are slightly confused. Should these seeds actually be germinating/sprouting? mine didn't.


Well-Known Member
I prob just loaded my plants up with growth inhibitors LoL

Live and learn.
Yeah I think I did the same thing. So after the 24 hr soak wait for them to sprout then add them to the 1/2 gallon or should they have sprouted already or are they supposed to sprout in the 48 hr water?


Active Member
Sure not looking to alienate any growers and don't want to come off as holier-than-thou. I started the thread for exactly this sort of discussion.

I think a lot of people thing of organic farming as requiring a farm. Piles of compost, chickens shitting, soil cooking. I can relate to that thought. I've been looking at ways that someone tight on space can still compost and use a natural soil.

Bokashi is simply a small bucket of your table scraps or plant cuttings on the kitchen floor, or under the sink. Sealed up so no smell. The microbes in the bucket start breaking down your food scraps into some excellent fertilizer. Free.

For soil, I have two garbage cans cooking for the next grow. So all in all, maybe 12 square feet of floor is taken up.

We have to keep in mind that the soil microbes are an army of trillions. Their only mission is to support and defend the plant. If we add chemicals, that relationship is severely strained or gone, despite the presence of soil.
This is what IM aiming for .. eventually ill get there.. IM still kinda learning it..


Well-Known Member
If anyone is having trouble finding ingredients try hygiene supply, they seem to have everything ...they also sell their own super soil for 30$.


Well-Known Member
Anybody know where to get bulk kelp meal for cheap say 50 lbs. I can find it online for cheap but the shipping gets you. I live in the lansing area so someplace within a 50 mile radius would be best.