So Your plants are fcnkiug up, Let me help


Well-Known Member
OK so everyone has been at the fuck this plant stage but a lot of the questions people ask have been asked 1000xs over so to help those that constantly scour answering the same questions over and over again i figured id post a guide. So over the years i realize that 7 things fuck up the most and i attempted to put the in order of how often they happen but every set up and strain is different.. soooooo.....

1.) PH. Ph fuck ups start with twisting leaves. Ph is like a wolf in sheep's clothing because if its fucked it causes deficiencies of nutrients that are present. it locks out the nutrients a deprives the plant. (Note: when fixing ph in nutrient solutions us liquid adjusters. powered ph ups and down have to be dissolved which can be a pain in the ass at times)

2.) PPM (Parts Per Million). We've all been guilty of the whole "more is better " . So you nuke it and this is where it always end High ppm (too much everything ). high ppm darkens the leaves , burns the tips, slows nutrient uptake, and WASTES MONEY. easily fixed and monitored with a $5-10 ppm / tds meter and (ph'd) water

3.) NITROGEN. Too much Nitrogen too much nitrogen darkens the leaves and makes them hook over like an eagle talon. check your ppm and make sure they arent too high and just add water or less grow the next time you mix your nutes.

4.) CAL/ MAG. Not enough Cal/Mag , gives the leaves white spots/ splotches ( the calcium deficiency) and Lower leaves turn yellow along the tips and margin and between the veins ( the magnesium def). OK so by now it should be no secret that nutrient companies increase bottle count to increase profits in a given fertilizer line. Cal/mag (which is also almost always bottled together) normally falls short first. a lot of lines just don't include enough and coco steals it from the solution. even the ones that say all you need is the 2 or 3 part main bottle series. just man up and by a bottle of cal/mag to fix

5.) Phosphorus. Not enough Phosphorus is one of the easiest fuck ups to diagnose. it turns the leaves a purplish- blueish- greenish color (you'll recognize it don't worry) and red/ purple stems (the stems normally turn first. its easily fixed with more bloom, a bloom booster, or pk. Note: when growing with lights you should take into account of the position of the purpling stems. fruiting plants often turn purple or red when they are exposed to too much uv light. this is harmless but it looks the same as a phosphorus def. if its P the redding wont be concentrated only in the areas close to the light.

6.) Nitrogen (Again). Not enough Nitrogen is kinda easy too. the BOTTOM leaves turn yellow and fall off. easily fixed but check the ppm first. Although most people instinctively "nuke" the plant, there are a select few that are so afraid of fucking up that they starve the plant. and since mj is kinda of a nitrogen glutton, nitro gen def can be symptomatic of a starving plant. fix it with more grow, a growth booster, or a nitrogen supplement. Note: where the leaves yellows matter. if the yellowing doesn't start at the bottom then ITS NOT NITROGEN DEF.

7.) BUGS. Bug problems are a pain in the ass. and some bugs just don't let up. but to diagnose look at the plant carefully. bugs attack the plants sporadically and deficiencies form patterns. if you catch it in veg seven dust is a gift from god. that shit kills everything...EVERYTHING. i like using the seven dust (not the spray) every 2-3 weeks to kill everything and following up with the milder neem oil every couple of flower just the neem. but some bugs require more research.

Final Note: deficiency damage normally doesn't heal.

Ok now for the lucky few who couldn't solve their problems here . first flush your soil, substrate, system, or whatever. and remix your nutes check the ppm and ph. if that doesn't help.TAKE A PIC so everyone can SEE what your talking about and post away

and like my post if i helped