sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium acid phosphate tablets ?helps weed?

Does adding sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium acid phosphate tablets to my water give any benefits to my plants or will it kill it?

I mean if I dilute only say a quarter of the tablet with something like a gallon of water will it do anything to my weed pant? Will it kill it? Will it help her?

Any scientists or chemists can answer me?



Active Member
have you tried apple cider, lemon pledge or mono sodium glutamate? (he he he just rubbin ya lil) ...naw man, what the hell made you think up that? just curious....
I dunno man, I have a tablet that came with something for rinsing vegetables I thought hey can I use it to water my weed with. LOL I'm High m8.


Also sodium fattens up cakes we bake in the oven, maybe that combination will also fatten up buds to be bigger.
:wall: Sorry, but... :wall:

Sodium is actually needed by plants (minor amounts), but too much will easily kill them. Absolutely no need to add via tablets.