

Active Member
is there a right height to sog my cuttings once they rooted im growin ak 47 and can i put mor than one cutting in a pot ????????????????:hump::hump:


Only one cutting per pot. 6 or 8 inch diameter pots.

For a SOG you immediately start flowering from the 8 or 10 inch cutting. After your 10 weeks probably be 2.5 to 3.5 ft plants at harvest.


Active Member
where will i find al bs theard ????? like i said im growing ak 47 in a metere sq tent but i have blue cheese seeds rooting now so hope to do a mix


Active Member
so i think im gowing to try sog like i said my tent is a meter sq 4oo wat light growing ak in coco how many cuttings would u put in the tent ????