Soil good or will I need to supplement?


Well-Known Member
Wondering how you guys think my soil will do, if I need anything added now, or later in flower.
Growing outdoors, in containers. Probably going to need to uppot one more time, so fresh soil then.
Strains unknown. Five are supposedly girl scout cookies but who knows. They look about 60/40 sativa/indica. The other three are supposedly bubba kush or platinum kush or something like that. Def indica tho.

My soil mix has:
Bat guano
Poultry manure
Kelp meal
Forrest humus
Bat guano (both soils I mixed have it)
Earthworm castings
"Beneficial microbes"
Humic acid

And of course perlite.

Think this soil will be good throughout my grow?


Talk to your extension agent man. Get a test done. Plenty of real good options around for 20-30$ plus shipping. Tons of great info for a small investment.


Your extension agent, man. Lmao sorry. Punctuation helps. your county extension agent from your state university. Or just take a sample yourself and send it in. I used Servi-Tech labs out of Dodge City Kansas. You can do it yourself, but weed is legal where I'm at, and I'm friends with the county extension agent, so he helped me test my beds.