Soil Help ...(Newbee)


Well-Known Member
What soil shd i go for?
was planning to go for organic soil (the animal manure thinggi)

is it any good?


Well-Known Member
I can tell you that from my experience stay away from soils with fertilizers in them already. I'm currently using Miracle Grow Organic Choice on my first grow and its not too organic. Get Fox Farm Ocean Forest and its already mixed with perlite and has no fertilizers, its just a medium you can feed and flush easy and it drains well from what I have studied. Plus, you have more control over the feeding.


Well-Known Member
okay.. i expected something like this :)

i've heard of ppl making their own grow soil, mixing things here and there :|
any help on that? :)


Well-Known Member
Are you going to try and buy something local? You should mention in your posts that you are in India.


Well-Known Member
Are you going to try and buy something local? You should mention in your posts that you are in India.
Yeah.. right.. I dnt even know if i get fox farm and all here in India :-?

Local soil here is pretty fertile... D'uh!! i live in India :D


Active Member
i transplanted my plant into an organic soil mixture a few weeks ago and shes been doin great! heres the mixture:

1 quart perlite
1 quart vermuculite
2 quarts worm castings
1 quart potting soil(w/o any nutes)
1/2 cup blood meal
1/4 lime

thats for a container thats approx. 1.5 gallons i doubled the recipe for my 3 gallon container. also i started my seedlings in miracle grow organic and i think there were two many nutes as my planted started to show signs of nute burn until i transplanted her so i dont recommend it for starting plants, if at all


Well-Known Member
okay, so, to sum it all up, i shouldnt go for soil with too many nutes?.. is that right?

thanks for the mixture man, that helped a lot :)


Active Member
no problem man

and you got it, you dont want nutes in the soil you want to be able to control how much it gets.

the mixture^^ has enough nitrogen and micronutrients to last 2-3 weeks w/o any extra ferts



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if u get it here in India..
do u have a recipie for a soilless mix as well?

I'm growing for the first time, i dont want to handle nute burns and all..
I like the mixture Gmoney posted with a few exceptions, mine is a little simpler.

2 quarts perlite
1 quart worm castings
2 quarts potting soil (w/o any nutes)
1/4 cup lime


Well-Known Member
i transplanted my plant into an organic soil mixture a few weeks ago and shes been doin great! heres the mixture:

1 quart perlite
1 quart vermuculite
2 quarts worm castings
1 quart potting soil(w/o any nutes)
1/2 cup blood meal
1/4 lime

thats for a container thats approx. 1.5 gallons i doubled the recipe for my 3 gallon container. also i started my seedlings in miracle grow organic and i think there were two many nutes as my planted started to show signs of nute burn until i transplanted her so i dont recommend it for starting plants, if at all
I agree, my edges look burned on my Mike Myers and my Blueberry I think was root bound when I transplanted but now its dying I believe. I am going to take down that recipe above. Thanks and + rep