Soil Help ...(Newbee)


Active Member
yeah there are 4 cups in a quart, and im pretty sure it depends on what you're measuring as to how many grams are in a cup.

im not 100% on this but i think for the soil/worm castings it will be about 225 grams/cup

for perlite/vermuculite it will be about 130grams/cup

again im definately not 100% sure about this, just tryin to give you an idea


Active Member
your're much better off just measuring using cups. recipe would look like this:

4 cup perlite
4 cup vermuculite
8 cup worm castings
4 cup potting soil(w/o any nutes)
1/2 cup blood meal
1/4 lime


Well-Known Member
okay, i guess i found fox farm ocean fresh...
shd i go for potting soil or organic soil...
and how much soil wud i get ? :|

help asap, im going to buy soil now :)


Active Member
suggest that if you are going to go with organic soil i highly recomend that you you mix it with coca biscuits as it helps aeration thru medium as soil has tendancy to compress when watering also when using soil do not b tempted to over water as it retains it water once a week a couple of litres and wait till bucket feels light when you lift it b4 watering again let roots search for it i use batmix its strongest and purest but as its so potent . mixing it with coca makes it easier to manage as it only needs water for frst six weeks saves on nutrients also use greensensation bud booster its awesome 33%increase in crop weight and thc levels


Active Member
otherwise use a premixed coca medium and you wont go far wrong with a/b nutrients canna or plagron are good products and monster grow/bloom another excellent product but main one if you can acquire it is the plagron product green sensation you will not believe buds /colas could b so huge


Active Member
organic can u get biobitz try their coca mix you wont b dissappointed honestly its so easy to work with


Active Member
i use premixes under 600watt air cooled shade veg 2-3 weeks on 18-6 then switch to 12/12 for blooming and feed once or twice a week plants are in 15 litre buckets tho you can put two in a bucket i just stick to one and let her rip i just grow 2-3 in a growtent obviously depending on strain you grow crop weight is diffrnt with each strain so i mainly look for intermediate strains that can give you 4-5 crops a year growing indoors all year round


Active Member
use coca bricks you soak them in water one brick gives 3-5 litres of medium its a nuetral medium to grow in and you just use a coca A/B nutrient feed


Active Member
since its your first time start out with fox farm ocean forest potting soil, it'll make things alot easier for you as its already ph balanced and has plenty of N for the first few weeks.


Well-Known Member
I am using Sunshine Mix #4. The Plants love it. Go for a soil-less medium so you know where you are with your nutes.


Well-Known Member
Okay, i didnt get Foxfarms :(

I got soil mixed with manure.. is it any good?.. should i get anything else too or mix something in it?
What nutes shd i get now?...

What do i do about pH?.. i can get pH strips from my college chemistry lab :P