Soil PH question. help is really needed!


My soil's PH for both of my two plants is just right before 7 PH its still just a little to acidic how can i bring it down just a small bit to get it right at 7?


Well-Known Member
your question is confusing me, if its too acidic then u want to bring the ph up not down. ideal ph for soil is 6.5 which i think urs is if i read the question right.


Well-Known Member
BAKING SODA............and their right you want it where it is or lower wich would be lemon but if u want up go for it B A K I N G S O D A


Well-Known Member
lemon is acid and will lower ph probably what you want to do if you need to do anything. backing soda is alkline and will raises ph


Well-Known Member
yeah i wouldnt go dumping lemon juice or baking soda on your plant you would add it to water untill desired ph then flush by pouring it through your containers. their are additives mix in's and stuff dolimite lime epsom salt i dont know about them the organic guys would. my best advice to you would be if it aint broke ....dont fix it or better yet dont fu#kin break it. sounds like your dirts about perfect hows plant look? how are you mesuering your soils ph? make sure your water\nute solution is ph around 6.0-6.8 and your good