Soil ph test kit?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Miles out? You need to amend your soil.....Oyster shell, Egg shell, Dolomite........Then it's still best to pH your in-going to 6.5 - 6.7 and, like I said "Forget about soil pH"........So a nice liquid pH meter will do that job.......

Well then...the other problem is you don't actually get into an actual SOIL meter for "around a hundred bucks"

Bluelab has a "pen" style for around $170

Then you step up to a handheld for around $200

Now that you know the actual (real close anyway) soil pH. What are you going to do to fix it?

Soil will self pH.....
When you water the pH will swing one way (more then you think).
As the soil dry's out. It swings back again.....This is how nature makes nutrients available for the plant to use at their optimal pH availability.....Soils will never simply "stay" at a given pH value.........

So, do you still want to shell out hard earned dollars for something that is not really going to help much?

A liquid pH pen will be more of a value so you can balance the actual liquids you put in....
