Soil question.


New Member
there are some organic soils out there that say on the back of the bag not for potting but it does not say why... can it be used in pots?
**after surfing for a bit aprently it's because it's compacts? to much that being the case can you mix it with dirt from your yard or something to make it usable in pots?


Well-Known Member
not sure of the soil you saw this on
perlite is probably what you want for mixing, will loosen up a dense soil nicely


New Member
it's Organic "Garden Soil" not "Potting Soil" i did not notice till i all ready had it :/ so looking for a way to make it usable for potting pref. with out buying anything else but perlite you say? how much should i mix if i do end up getting it?


Well-Known Member
MG Organic Garden soil? if so, that's what i use, in pots
i mix in 15% perlite
also, if MG Organic Garden, it's a very acidic soil, mix in some dolomite to 'sweeten'


New Member
yes thats what it is...blah i was hopeful i did not have to buy anything else :/ well thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
one last tip, this soil will have fungus gnats
not a disaster, but they annoying at the minimum, damaging at the maximum
many ways to control, but be prepared
i personally pasteurize the soil at 180f in a oven for a half hour, but that's for small grows


New Member
blah seems like alot of work i'lljust use it in my garden and get more potting soil thanks for the posts.
If you plan to use nutrients and feed the plant yourself, go get some Fox Farms Ocean Forest and a bit of perlite (about 20% perlite).
If you don't want to deal with regular feeding, go get some Miracle Grow soil. I know... all you experienced growers like to poo-poo MG, but I think it's a fine answer for newbies or low maint growers.


New Member
thing is they have out grown the pots i need to transplant but i have no more soil (but that stuff i just got) what i want is potting soil that i don't have to mix with anything to get them in bigger pots asap because i want to let them go a week or two to get over the shock befor i start flowering


New Member
the soil there in now is some of that slow release stuff i did not give any extra yet... i don't like to till they start blooming
Pretty babies!
Did I see 2 plants in one pot? I regularly use 5 gal pots and have been known to do multiples myself. I do it often when I'm using un-fem'd seeds in hopes that at least one of the two will turn out to be female.
They look lollipopped. I have lollipopped many plants over the years in MANY different ways. Nothing to do but let them grow out now. You could try to separate them into different pots... but that seems problematic and likely to kill or at least severely stunt them. I'd chaulk that pot up to a learning experience and limit any future attempts at multiples to 2 in a 5 gal container.


New Member
not sure but i assume lollipopped=muti-plants roots intertwined? if so yeah :( so just transplant all like it is in to bigger pot and just let it go?
sorry... lollipopped.... meaning they look like a lollipop with a bare lower stem and most of the growth near the top.
A bigger pot would be good. I didn't think of moving them as a single group to a bigger pot. Great idea! I would be concerned about trying to separate the root systems and transplanting them as a single group seems like a great idea!


New Member
oh the reason there lollypoped is because i had no idea what i was doing and the lights where to far and they streched big time as seedlings but a put a 400watt hps in there made them bushy