Soil ratios???


Well-Known Member
Hi guys! This is gonna be my second growth so I want to upgrade my soil...I bought some staff but dont know what ratio should I mix these...I have Ultimate potting mix (with spagnum peat moss, perlite, limestone and balanced water absorbtion), perlite, vermiculite, epsom salt, garden lime, dried blood, bone meal and bat quano. Does anyone use similar things? How do you mix it? Thank you in advance for any suggestions!


Well-Known Member
to start a new plant JUST use the potting soil for now. When it grows bigger and is due for a transplant put it in 5 gallons of soil with 1/4 cup blood and bone meal and 1/2 cup of guano. make sure dirt is 30-50% Perlite and add 2 tablespoons of lime and mix it all up really well. no need for the vermiculite, the dirt should hold enough water. You won't need the epsom salt unless you start to see a magnesium deficiency later in the grow.



Well-Known Member
Thank you so much I was looking for an answer like that for a while now :hump:..... One more thing...would it be ok if I started them in the 5 gallon pots with the mix? Thats what I did the last time...I heard from couple people it is best not to transplant them at all...? Thank you in advance!


Well-Known Member
If you don't stress them during transplanting( i transplant twice during veg) , then they will be fine.

Waste of space and soil if they aren't women. Try starting in 2 gallons, sexing before flower, transplant to 5 and flower.