soil testing


im three weeks into a grow and about to start adding nutes so im in the market for a decent yet affordable testing kit for my soil. im looking for some advice on products.


Active Member
Im not sure how accurate these are but at local garden stores they sell "rapitest" or something close to that. Then you put some soil from pot into a bowl and distilled water and let it set. Then you stick it inside this little container with some of the soil ph powder and let it settle. It shows you where your soil is at. I did this test and also had a soil ph meter and they both read exact same so I imagine its really close. I think those test kits are $5 or if you buy the kit it has a test for N,P,K,and soil PH for like $15
Good luck


Active Member
Just looked them up on ebay,looks like you could get a better deal on there than your local garden shop im sure