

What's up guys! i'm a first time grower and was wandering if anyone had any good recommendation for soil.


Active Member
I put in a pot and grow stuff in it ..... lol .. there are so many different opinions on soils .. I kinda grow on the cheap so I use Miracle Grow but I dont suggest it .. It's so tricky that you have to really stay ontop of it. I see a lot of people on here really like fox farms ... never tried it myself though .


Well-Known Member
well it depends on how much dirt or soil you need. if it is alot then buying bags will run your pockets dry, and it would be best to buy it by the yard from some where that sells dirt, id only needing a lil bit, fox farms is good, but i like black golds whole soil line up and soil conditioners. they are way cheaper for more dirt then FF and honestly it works great and is all organic


Well-Known Member
I've never used FF. Does it have nutes in it already? MG does too and I think it works good for veg stage. Organic Choice is the one I used. But now since I'm producing more starts I have to mix my own. Peat lite base, composted cow manure and worm castings. Epsom salts and dolomite lime. works good for seedlings, veg and bloom stages. But I add stuff then. I think the more expansive the root system the greater capacity for the plant to use nutes without burning. A hypothesis not proven yet.