
i have mixed some perlite in and i have maxigrow but havent mixed that in yet i'm trying to wait for them to sprout i planted them in soil yesterday so you i'm jus a lil anxious
haha thanks and 5th node? this will definately help me develope patience also im using bagseeds here but i purchased some feminized seeds online today will these fair better than bagseed?
i just asked since i live in ohio and it pretty cold out here without the heat, i tried germin in room temp with out the heat on and have had only 3 out of 20 seeds germ


Well-Known Member
that soil of yours is it in a bag ? if so do it say on the back/side how the PH of the soil is ? hopefully between 6 and 7

and yes perlite is a nice thing to keep in your soil (keep around 20-30%)

another thing I like to mix in is some Lime (I use Mearl oceanic lime but dolomit lime is as good)