Solar Panel Grow


Active Member
So I'm no genious when it comes to things like this but hen I was walking through a local electronis store I noticed a large solar panel for sale. now with my mind constantly on growing I conjured an idea where you could simply set up a large solar panel or how ever many you needed, and insted of paying monthly electric bills that are ridiculous you could grow next to free.

now the initial price would not be cheap but I've seen some grow rooms here and it looks like money ain't a thing for some of you lol. again idk specifics but I'm sure it could be done. lemme kno what u think and +rep if it was a good effort lol.


Well-Known Member
they sell the panels at my local grow shop, very costly to set up but it is suposed to pay for itself eventually.


Active Member
yea thats what i meant, the upfront fee would be crazy high lol, but eventually after a couple years it would pay for itself. hey like i said, its not the ideal solution for any small area grower but someone who has a grow house or even warehouse would might wanna consider it. i kno im not the first person who came up with this but i just thought it was a practical solution for someone very serious about being efficient.



Active Member
ahh see. well like i said im not an expert lol. im just a stoner with a plan lol. but none the less it could lower your expenses id say. idk.


Active Member
lol, im the brokest bitch on this site lol. the only solar panel i could get my hands on are the ones in those shity calculators lol


Well-Known Member
It definitely can be just need enough solar panels and a big enough battery bank,........just like mentioned before though the initial cost would be steep......last year their were lots of rebates the government offered to switch to solar,the rebates were a good incentive,I believe you had to wait for your rebate but they rebated a big percentage back..too bad I didn't have the money or I would have invested in solar...lots of sun out here so solar is the way to go for me


Well-Known Member
I looked into it before(out of curiosity) and if I remember correctly, it would cost like $6000 to buy all the panels needed for each 1000 watts of power. That would take quite awhile to pay for itself, but you have to admit that it would be nice to not have that big monthly electric bill, which makes some growers a little paranoid. I'd love to do it, if I could afford it. :cool:


Active Member
again, not the most practical idea for someone thats got a small op but if i had the money id probably do it too, just gives the cops less to work with ya kno?


Well-Known Member
Another idea is to buy a generator and run that. I looked into "quiet generators" and they weren't that expensive, produced like 2000 watts, and used around 2 gallons to run for 12 hours. That's close to $200 a month to power the bloom room, which isn't too bad compared to the cost of solar panels.

Just something to think about. :)


Well-Known Member
I have had the ranch gone over buy the states premier PV dudes and they say for a 18000 watt grow, and the rest of the ranch's electrical needs Its gonna cost me an initial set up fee
of $213,145.00
That is a steep cost. the govt. is gonna give me a plush refund as well as the state. Lots of credits and refunds for getting of the grid. I will actually be able to sell the electricity I don't use back to the power company.
All said and done I will have about 80k after all the refunds.
Now this is a BIG job and most would see no need for this but I think with everything considered it is worth looking into.
We will see. Will take about 20 months to do the whole job, and I still have more bank meetings but ya' never know.
I bet you could do a small 2k grow for about 15 grand.
Thats a deal in my book.


Well-Known Member
I looked into this, it was about $30,000 to power a room that could pay for itself with something like 6 weeks of growing. The up front fee is huge, but if your SELLING your herb, it'll pay for itself very very quickly. Something to power 6 1kW lights will cover half of a normal homes roof in panels.


Active Member
lol put them in the sun. well thatd be nice, but the point here is stealth aka getting off the grid. with solar panels or generators youd have no monthly bill, therefore eliminating a way for the feds to look at wtf your doing. also it will save you money. some growers spend $1000's on monthly bills and if that were to go away it would make everything easier. especially with the rebates and such going on.


Active Member
Also some things to remember, You can get get a Federal Tax credit, State Credit, and depending on your power company a rebate from them (ex. SCE is 2$ a watt)

I do Solar Engineering / Estimating and have done projects well over 1MW (megawatt)

On Homes, getting everything at cost, and with rebates, and doing the install ourselves, we have done them for basically free.

Also Energy prices do NOT go down.

If your really going to do it, do it right and put it on the roof, this will also add value to your house.

You do not want to use battery banks, unless you have alot of extra cash and time more maintenance. Panels = 25 years maintenance free, Batteries... not so much.